Hmm… let's see... the Taliban representatives in various places have been saying for a few weeks that they'll fight to the death.... and when some of them do so it's suddenly a US plot?
Surely by now it's well established that it's really the Orbital Mind Control Lasers controlled by the Illuminati that are controlling the world?!! Don't we??
By the way it has always been accepted practice that prisoners of war who take up arms while still in custody lose all rights and protections afforded by their POW status, and are subject to full military force - indeed having taken up arms they are no longer prisoners at all, but armed soldiers of the opposite force and may be shot on sight! I'm sure someone will be able to comment on how the current conventions stand on this matter.
Anyone who saw the opening of "Saving Private Ryan" on TV2 on Sunday will have some idea of the horror of close combat, but we probably cannot imagine the strain and stress of all those involved, on both sides. There are numerous documented cases of "civilised" soldiers executing prisoners and/or refusing to accept surrender in the heat of battle - including New Zealanders. Regrettably that appears to be part of human nature, and we would be naive not to expect at least some of it in Afghanistan!
Mike Campbell