NEWSFLASH - Another Aircraft Crashes In Ohio

Published: Wed 12 Sep 2001 10:11 AM
by Selwyn Manning
Another aircraft has crashed in the USA - this happened about 15 minutes ago. It is likely it is a USA Airforce aircraft.
Here is a Scoop exclusive from Dayton Ohio.
Chrissy: "We just had a plane crash near downtown Dayton."
Scoop: "How big was the plane?
Chrissy: "Airforce planes breaking the sound barrier that sounded like explosions above. But one has crashed. We are not sure how big it is, it happened only minutes ago
Scoop: "Is it a big airline or smaller one?
Chrissy: "And the media is limited since no planes are around in the air. The crash is close to Dayton Ohio. I am 15 min drive away from Wright Pat Air Force Base."

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