Scoop Images: The Battle Of Genoa Day Two

Published: Sat 21 Jul 2001 12:42 AM
Scoop Images: The Battle Of Genoa Day Two
The streets of Genoa are a mess this morning NZ time, strewn with the debris of hours of running battles between thousands of anti-capitalists and thousands of police for much of Friday in Genoa.
During the clashes one protestor was shot dead and then run over, the incident was caught on camera see… Scoop Images: Pictures Of An Anarchist’s Death).
As night fell and the violence subsided more than 100 protestors and police had been seriously injured. Several vehicles were set alight in the protests, and numerous shop fronts and roads have been torn apart.
The activity on the streets outside the “red zone” has had an impact on the G8 leaders inside the security cordon who have issued a statement regretting the death of a protestor, and the violence.
According to reports the agenda of the Summit has been changed for tomorrow (Saturday local time), and the subject of whether it is worth holding summits such as this ever again will be raised.
For live coverage see

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