Katya Rivas: Suffering Is a Gift from God

Published: Wed 18 Jul 2001 08:39 AM

The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Great Crusade Of Love
Extract #59
Suffering Is a Gift from God
God the Father
Most beloved daughter, united with My Son in the desire and redemption of the Cross, your soul satisfies for the guilt in the uniting love, found in the tender knowledge of My Goodness which is united to the grief and suffering of the human heart; for by infinite love united to infinite suffering, My infinite Mercy works.
But man ignores this: he does not want to hear talk of pain accepted and desired for love of Me. It is redemption through My Son and of those who are united to Him in suffering, and who calling humbly to My Fatherly Heart, achieve perfect knowledge of themselves, of Me in them.
Do not be sad if finding yourself in this knowledge that you may have to suffer. Suffice to know that for that suffering, I will no longer remember how you may have offended Me. And for those for whom your love has satisfied My Mercy, that suffering will prepare them so that they may receive My gifts.
The luminous souls of high stature that are at My left are the souls that unite themselves to My Son’s pains with their own. Sharing in My eternal Life, they will be and are very close to Me.
I will tell you what the suffering of My Son’s Heart is. You will understand that it is a reality. But I want you to write it for the knowledge of so many souls that do not understand how suffering could make them divine.
My Son’s suffering is latent in the universe ever since He redeemed the human race, and it will be so till the end of time if they do not come to understand that suffering is a gift from God and they reject it. Perhaps if they knew the value that this suffering has before My eyes, then not only would they not reject it, but they would insistently ask Me for it…
Upon giving His life for souls and becoming man in order to be able to suffer and redeem them, My Son elevated the nobility of suffering. He elevated it to such a degree that on being accepted voluntarily by a soul and becoming a scapegoat, the soul instantaneously takes upon itself not its own sufferings but rather part of My Son’s which live forever for the redemption of man.
Suffering involves in itself: light, love, and knowledge of the truth. My Son’s Heart no longer suffers, but His pain will live in the universe as long as men insist on not seeing the light, in hating, and in not wanting to understand that I am the Truth.
My vision takes in what was, what is, and what will be, with such clarity that no one will be able to understand what is all before Me at the same time, without limitation nor space, and that can not only not make a mistake but not even get mixed up… This is why I tell you that, since the redemption of the human race by My Son, We have wanted for His pains, anguishes, sufferings, and martyrdom to remain in time, so that those elected souls, continue partaking of these tribulations and are able to be part of His redemption.
When not one soul is left to redeem and the end of time comes, then the suffering of the God-Man will disappear.
That is why, My daughter, I have wanted to make you see how Jesus’ suffering satisfies… The pain endured by My Son is an inexhaustible fountain of divine goods and gifts, source of sanctity, and eternal life for those who, identified with His Passion, unite themselves to Him, and with Him endure and suffer a martyrdom that is slow but intense in its effectiveness. That is, to bear the physical and spiritual suffering without fainting, smiling at the pain, and wishing to share it with Jesus for the salvation of souls until the end of their days.
Unfortunately, humanity refuses pain more and more and anxiously seeks all the means that science discovers to suppress it. It does not want to accept pain in life and comes in its audacity to reject the merits of My Son’s Passion and Martyrdom in the redemption of man.
In his pride and rebelliousness he wants to come to Me without going through Christ… He does not want a wounded and crucified God to remind him of what He suffered for all men, forcing him to recognize that he is indebted to Him for his redemption.
They want a distant God and a God that will not bother them, without any painful reminders that could cause them remorse. They want God to admit that they, without Him, upon discovering all the mysteries of nature, are taking control of the great hidden force in the universe; to do so, they do not need Him, for they are intelligent and free beings. They ignore that I gave them that intelligence so that they could work for Me in the great work of the universe.
Also those I elevated to the highest dignity want to forge for themselves and others, a God that will submit to their ambitions and whims. They want to change the Church to the materialistic rhythm of the world, introducing in her, ways and customs that border on heresy and error.
Liberty should not mean independence and licentiousness… Evolution does not consist in changing the faith so that the Church will be better. Ever since the Church was founded by Christ and illuminated by the Holy Spirit, it carries in itself all the divine seeds for its gradual development in the ages and for its divine evolution in the souls that form her; and continuing in them everything that, being eternal, can take them to their God.
When they leave the trenches designed by the hand of Jesus, they deviate dangerously towards heresy, rebellion to the divine laws, the arrogance to not follow its laws when they elect themselves to renew their Church.
To come to Me, light unreachable, it is necessary to go through Christ and Mary. One has to follow their footsteps and humbly obey the divine designs. That is how the faithful man must accept it if he wants to find Me who, with My Divine Son and the Holy Spirit, We are one God.
For this, My Son’s Heart that gave the last drops of His Blood for men, wants to remain in the universe by means of His sufferings that live on and remain as help and encouragement for the souls that hunger for the divine and want to unite themselves to Him in the redemption.
In this way His merciful Love becomes present and His redemption everlasting to so many souls that were, are, and will be in the course of all ages.
Suffer silently, humbly, feeling the hunger for the salvation of souls, and going through all the tribulations to the extent that I want to send them. In this way you will unite with the suffering of My Son and I will know that you seek the Kingdom of God in souls.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Starting Monday, 05 March 2001, in the first week of Lent 2001, Scoop began publication of a series of daily reflections on spiritual matters from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas, has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books she says she was instructed to write by Jesus Christ, Mary and various Angels. Scoop’s extract, above, comes from Rivas’s book “The Passion”. In 1999 Katya Rivas was the subject of a top-rating documentary show hosted by Mike Willessee (see Scoop TV review - Jesus Christ Tells FOXNews He Wants To Hug World and Scoop Images ). More recently Rivas says she was instructed by Jesus to have her books translated and published on the internet with the intention of having the books distributed to as wide an audience as possible. Several of the books can now be read online at, and more are coming soon.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: “Copyright© 2000 by The Great Crusade of Love and Mercy. All rights reserved. This book is published in coordination with The Apostolate of the New Evangelization. Permission is granted to reproduce this book as a whole in its entirety with no changes or additions and as long as the reproduction and distribution is done solely on a non-profit basis. This document is available at no cost online and can be downloaded and printed from the following Web Sites: in English at: and Spanish at: …Please copy and distribute this book”.
Katya Rivas
The Great Crusade of Love and Mercy
Each year as an part of an observance of Lent publishes a serialisation of Katya Rivas's book "The Passion".

Katya Rivas's work was the subject of a documentary made in 1999 by Australian's Ron Tesoriero and Mike Willissee called "Signs from God" ( read a review here ). In the same year the then Bishop of Buenos Aires Jorge Bergoglio - now Pope Francis - requested a scientific investigation of a remarkable and unexplained phenomena involving a discarded host which had started to bleed. In 2013 Ron Tesoriero published a book "Unseen : New Evidence" which addresses what happened with this investigation and its implications for the quest to discover the origin of life. ( Find out more here ).
Contact Katya Rivas

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