Dear Editor,
An article appearing in a local paper this morning with the heading "Cullen floats partnership idea" (11 July) raises a couple of questions regarding Dr Cullen's appreciation of the intelligence of the average citizen and his financial prowess.
When floating the prospect of public-private partnerships for big development, his comments that "Government should be prepared to "look at" such partnerships" and " have to be very, very careful about how you go about it.... " sound suspiciously like the knowledgeable academic addressing the ill-informed masses.
What does the article or his pearls of wisdom actually tell us that we do not already know from life's rich tapestry of experiences.
In any partnership, be it public-private, partner-partner, marriage, buying a house or a car, employer-employee, both "partners" have to look at the venture from their own perspective and decide whether the risks are worth it.
If not, do not enter into it.
This is an everyday activity for the majority and hardly a piece of ground breaking financial wizardry that is exclusive to the Finance Minister.
Mirek Marcanik