Arafat Refuses To Arrest Hamas And Islamic Jihad Terrorists
At a news conference on June 29th in Ramallah Yassir Arafat said he refuses to arrest Hamas or Islamic Jihad members because , as he was quoted by the Associated Press, `We respect all parties'.
When asked what he would tell a Palestinian that said he wants to become a suicide bomber he responded that they should ask Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas. When asked if he himself had any advice on the matter Arafat remained silent.
At this news conference Arafat clearly indicated a lack of desire to re-arrest any of the many Hamas and Islamic Jihad members his forces freed from Palestinian prisons in September and even said he respects them.
This clearly shows the extent of freedom Hamas and Islamic Jihad members have to plot and prepare attacks against Israeli civilians from Palestinian controlled areas. Hamas and Islamic Jihad were responsible for the murders and maimings of many dozens of Israeli civilians throughout the so-called peace process.
Not only are Hamas and Islamic Jihad free to plot their mayhem in Palestinian controlled areas but Arafat's own Fatah militia are known to have been involved in the roadside murders of Israeli men and women driving on West Bank roads.
Under such circumstances Israel's policy of going in and 'eliminating' known perpetrators of violence against Israeli civilians before they can carry out any more such actions is perfectly understandable. It is the duty of every country to protect its civilians that were not even engaged in any acts of violence from being killed or maimed, as Israeli victims are while waiting for a bus or going shopping in a mall or driving on a road or going to a disco.
Ben Klein
1738 east 32 street
Brooklyn, NY
11234 212 367 4282