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Media Flash - June 18, 2001

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Last Updated: Monday, June 18, 2001

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One.Murdoch v One.Packer?

* TREVOR SYKES, veteran business journalist, joined the growing number of media writers this week targeting One.Tel directors LACHLAN MURDOCH and JAMES PACKER, as well as JODEE RICH and BRAD KEELING, over the telco's financial collapse. 'A memo from the chief general counsel of News Ltd, IAN PHILIP, to LACHLAN MURDOCH said One.Tel was paying (or not paying) Telstra 18.5 cents a call and selling them to customers at 17 cents. That is a surefire way of going broke. PHILIP'S admirably clear and concise memo of arrears owing to Telstra, and One.Tel's counter-claims against Telstra were 'far from convincing'.'

* SYKES continues: 'And what of JAMES PACKER and LACHLAN MURDOCH? Well, they had a billion reasons for to succeed and are the biggest losers from its failure, both in money and street cred. They'll be scarred for life by this one and next time you see either on a third party board, you should be able to assume they've done a bloody lot of diligence. They'd better.'

* NEIL CHENOWETH, of The Australian Financial Review Weekend Edition, has been at the forefront of covering the One.Tel collapse - with a focus of the media mogul sons: 'It's a legal nightmare for LACHLAN and JAMES. How they cope with it, and how much they decide to blame each other for their predicament, will shape Australia's media industry into the next decade ... just how much scrutiny can the MURDOCHS and PACKERS take? Any ASIC action will simply provide ammunition for any civil damages suits by creditors, who will home in, not necessarily on those most culpable, but on those with the deepest pockets.'

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* CHRISTINE LACY, also of The Australian Financial Review Weekend Edition notes '(Court) documents show Ferriers believes One.Tel is likely to have been insolvent at March 31 and possibly as far back as December last year or earlier. They show that One.Tel director News Corp's MR LACHLAN MURDOCH relied heavily on his counterpart, Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd's MR JAMES PACKER, for information on the financial affairs of the group.'

* STEPHEN JONES, Community and Public Sector Union spokesman, said: 'Well, it really does raise questions about what is going on inside our boardrooms. These directors (MR MURDOCH and MR PACKER) are paid generous directors' fees to take proper care of what was going on in the business of One.Tel. It really isn't a good enough excuse, in the view of the workers, to say we didn't know what was going on.'

* TED ROFE, Australian Shareholders' Association Chairman, said: 'You would think that if anyone was in a position to get their questions answered, they'd be among the ones. I think it also reinforces the point that non-executive directors do take on serious responsibilities and they can't just afford to sit back and leave it to someone else to ask the questions.'

'The Blame Game'

* PETER CHARLTON of the MURDOCH-controlled Courier-Mail Brisbane daily says the One.Tel collapse 'could also have on the future dealings of two young media tycoons'. His weekend report includes these thoughts:

* 'Will this be an end to a beautiful friendship? Will the fallout from the One.Tel collapse mean an end to future business dealings between LACHLAN MURDOCH and JAMES PACKER, the sons of Australia's most powerful media figures? ... An indication of the pressures to be faced came with the release this week of LACHLAN MURDOCH'S affidavit into the One.Tel demise. MURDOCH'S affidavit made clear his line on information into One.Tel's financial position came through telephone conversations with JAMES PACKER.'

* CHARLTON wrote: '... it was clear from LACHLAN MURDOCH'S affidavit, released on Thursday, that close attention will be paid to JAMES PACKER'S role in the last few months of the ill-fated One.Tel. And particularly so since PBL's Chief Financial Officer, GEOFF KLEEMANN, had been assessing One.Tel's financial position since last December.'

* PETER CHARLTON adds: 'At first reading, LACHLAN MURDOCH'S evidence would suggest that JAMES PACKER was still accepting the assurances of RICH and KEELING as late as May 6 or nearly five months after the PBL executive chairman had put his number one number cruncher into One.Tel ... Both LACHLAN MURDOCH and JAMES PACKER have said they were 'profoundly misled', presumably by RICH and KEELING.'

'When Rich Friends Fall Out'

* ANNE DAVIES and JENI PORTER of Fairfax continued a similar theme in the weekend's press under the headline 'When Rich Friends Fall Out': 'For followers of the corporate world even more astonishing than the affluence is the fingerpointing between the key protagonists. Already lawyers for (JODEE) RICH are claiming that LACHLAN MURDOCH'S version of events is one-eyed and selective.'

* ''This is a corporate collapse being fought out in the press,' said BRET WALKER SC, RICH'S counsel in court this week. MR WALKER said MR RICH would like to grill JAMES PACKER as well and accused the pair of running a campaign through the press against their client. 'MR MURDOCH exposed himself on oath but MR PACKER did not expose himself. These matters cut right to the heart of what is being debated at the instigation of these two gentlemen in the press.' At the core of this epic lies the question: how is that the directors failed to realise that One.Tel was not just sick, but terminal?'

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Zemanek, 2GB Case

* GARRY CHARNY, 'corporate adviser and Macquarie Radio Network board member', was quoted in Saturday's Daily Telegraph to be down-playing the first round between STAN ZEMANEK and former employer, 2GB. PETER HOLDER and JO CASAMENTO'S column said: 'ZEMANEK told Confidential yesterday that it was a conclusive victory and he was really pleased with the outcome and it had given him great incentive to beat in the upcoming cases. Earlier in the year, ZEMANEK and his company Metro Media filed a breach of contract claim in an industrial Relations Commission in-court session - in excess of $1 million - against Harbour Radio, owner of 2GB. Harbour Radio then filed a claim to sue ZEMANEK about $60,000 in the District Court for not repaying his salary because his program failed. As a result, ZEMANEK and his company Metro Media filed a motion asking the court to stay the District Court proceedings commenced by 2GB against him, pending the outcome of the Industrial Relations commission proceedings. That motion, opposed in court yesterday by Harbour Radio, saw 2GB lose and the station given the rare order to pay ZEMANEK'S indemnity costs. The Beauty And The Beast host's solicitor SHARON FREUND said the result was clearly a win for ZEMANEK. 'The next round will be the conciliation (at the IRC) in October.

* 'Both sides' estimation of how much yesterday's outcome would cost Harbour radio were wildly varied - by tens of thousands of dollars. GARRY CHARNY, corporate adviser and Macquarie Radio Network board member, downplayed yesterday's events, telling Confidential 'it was a procedural matter only'. 'It's another example of STAN being obsessed with the procedure rather than the end result.' CHARNY said 2GB would go to battle at the Industrial Relations Commission - which was unlikely to have a hearing until the middle of next year.'

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The Age: Judge, Jury, Hangman

* MICHAEL GAWENDA'S Editorship of The Age must surely need to come under the microscope with Saturday's Editorial - 'Why GEOFF CLARK Should Resign'. Following his publication of ANDREW RULE'S untested assertions by a number of women that they were sexually assaulted decades ago by ATSIC leader CLARK, GAWENDA'S Editorial team formulated a leading article that said: 'According to MR CLARK, the accusations are part of a campaign by his political opponents to discredit him. This newspaper rejects that assertion without reservation ... it is impossible to conceive how he can now discharge his duties in light of the claims made against him.'

* Does MR GAWENDA view his role as Editor and Associate Publisher of The Age more loftily than the position actually is in real life? Does he see the newspaper as a King-maker and King-breaker? Surely he does not believe that because his newspaper (a corporation that lives and breathes politics on a daily basis) presents accusations 'in the public interest', that they are necessarily any more correct or proven than accusations against MR CLARK that have already failed under the Court system. Or is The Age above the justice system? Just because GAWENDA'S newspaper has decided the publish these accusations, it does not therefore equate that any man must surrender his life calling, on that newspaper's editorial say-so/

* Again, Media Flash avers that MR CLARK is entitled to the presumption of innocence. The Age is not entitled to play judge, jury and hangman.

Geoff Clark: The Local Angle

* IAN PECH, boss of The Warrnambool Standard (Fairfax, Vic.), saw his regional daily run an Editorial Opinion on Saturday (June 16), following the Fairfax Group's publication of accusations against local resident, ATSIC chief GEOFF CLARK:

* 'The decision to publish allegations made against Framlingham-based ATSIC chairman GEOFF CLARK has brought attention to the role of the media in highlighting such issues. The rights of the individual compared with the rights of the public at large to know about publicly-elected figures is at the centre of the debate. MR CLARK alleges he has been subject to trial by media and that he is the victim of a political campaign by Aboriginal opponents. He strongly maintains his innocence against claims that he raped four women. He has already appeared before court on similar charges but it was found there was no evidence for him to stand trial.

* 'THE AGE, which initiated the articles, maintains that revealing the allegations was in the public interest. The Standard could not ignore the allegations which were being published in its sister newspaper The Age and other Fairfax newspapers on Thursday. The allegations are a major national issue pertaining to a local identity. TV, radio and other newspapers all responded that day, making it one of the most hotly debated topics in Australia. As part of the Fairfax company, The Standard became aware on Wednesday evening that The Age was printing detailed allegations against MR CLARK.

* 'MR CLARK, who has an extremely high profile in the south-west and maintains his home in this region, had responded to the claims with a written statement. On Thursday, The Standard printed an abridged version of the allegations written by The Age journalist. It printed MR CLARK'S response in full. Since the articles MR CLARK has retained the support of political leaders, including the Prime Minister and those in authority at ATSIC. He remains entitled to presumption of innocence. The Standard will continue to fulfil its responsibility to publish with fairness on matters of importance to its readers.'

Reprinted from Media Flash Confidential

Thursday, June 14, 2001

The Age: 'Power And Rape'

* THE AGE may view itself as courageous with today's front-page publication of an ANDREW RULE 'Insight' report headlined: 'GEOFF CLARK: Power and Rape'. Yet the publication, and the layout employed by the paper, may well eventually be seen as a dangerous one for media freedoms in Australia. Publisher and Editor-in-Chief GREGORY HYWOOD'S Melbourne's broadsheet submits there has emerged 'a troubling pattern that reached far back into MR CLARK'S life'. The paper says it has 'found four women who accused GEOFF CLARK of raping them in a series of attacks in the 1970s and 1980s'.

* THE AGE claims 'it is in the public interest' that the serious claims against him are revealed by them. MR CLARK faxed a four-paragraph reply 'last night' to the newspaper in which he plainly says: 'I deny such allegations and say they are false. Such allegations are easily fabricated.' MR CLARK'S reply is in the bottom fold of the front-page, contained in a sidebar Editorial headlined as 'Why We Are Publishing This'. CLARK'S denials are given less prominence than The Age headlines; the newspaper has deliberately chosen to publish the headline without any sub-headline qualification; and MICHAEL CLAYTON JONES'S prominent colour photograph is at the bottom end on a scale that favours MR CLARK.

* THE AGE says it has spent three months profiling the life of MR CLARK, Chairman of ATSIC, and described him as 'Australia's most powerful Aboriginal politician'. There is little doubt that Journalist RULE has extensively researched today's front-page and double-page-spread, particularly amongst his many contacts within the Police. However, if readers are asked to view MR CLARK'S life in a context of some decades, readers should have also been reminded that The Age and Editor MICHAEL GAWENDA were penalised severely last year by a Tasmanian Court, over a serious publishing lapse that affected an individual's own liberties.

Dangers For Australian Media

* MEDIA FLASH - as Australia's independent media industry weekly E-newspaper - is a strong advocate of media freedoms. MEDIA FLASH supports disclosures which can be proven to be in the public interest. We hold no brief either for or against MR CLARK; however, today's Age coverage of its 'Insight' is sure to re-ignite a debate on what liberties a free press should enjoy. Dangers of today's publication are already apparent. Brief radio news bulletins are presenting their own synopsis versions of The Age article, with even less coverage of MR CLARK'S denials of the accusations. Likewise, The Age Online has banner coverage of its newspaper's coverage, with a small eight-point link to an AAP follow-up: 'Clark denies rape allegations'.

* ANDREW RULE is a strong, capable, thorough and talented journalist. His award-winning journalism, particularly in regard to the death of JENNIFER TANNER, was again recently in the spotlight with an oft-repeated SBS TV documentary. However, it must be remembered that a policeman clearly under suspicion in RULE'S articles examining the death of MS TANNER, has never been convicted of MS TANNER'S death.

* Likewise, it must be clearly remembered that MR CLARK was recently tried of an allegation of rape in the 1980s, and cleared by the Court. A Warrnambool Magistrate ruled that the prosecution evidence brought against him was too weak for any jury to reach a guilty verdict.

Dieu Et Mon Droit

* 'GOD AND MY RIGHT' is the motto that appears daily in The Age masthead. The broadsheet may well believe that it is on some high mission of 'public interest' in publishing the serious yet untested allegations against MR CLARK.

* It is timely to remember another institution that carries the same crest and same Latin motto. Society's system of Court trial is the proper forum for such allegations to be raised and tested, under the strict rules that govern our procedures of justice. Today's Age publication, unfortunately, will probably result in a public debate that seeks to restrict rather than expand media freedoms.

* THE AGE, in our opinion, appears to have been unfair as to the rights of MR CLARK. The four-paragraph denial by MR CLARK has the appearances of a newspaper that has worked on a story for three months, yet gives only hours to an accused person of formulating a crafted reply. Whatever public interest that the commercial corporation (The Age Company Ltd) believes that it is serving, we strongly believe that The Age has proffered an unfair, lop-sided coverage. It may well be that MR CLARK never faces Court over these allegations; experienced media people will know that some of the 'mud' will stick. MR CLARK is entitled to the long-held presumption of innocence.

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Advertiser: 'Coward Of The Court'

* THE MURDOCH'S FAMILY'S Adelaide Advertiser headlined its Saturday front-page report about convicted pedophile magistrate PETER LIDDY'S current attendance as 'Coward Of The Court'. Attorney-General TREVOR GRIFFIN was reported in the final paragraph of SAM WEIR'S article as saying he would not comment on the matter 'before it was still before the court'. WEIR reported on the victim impact statements, unable to be read to the Court, because LIDDY refused to sit in Court for them: 'At no stage did LIDDY look toward the packed public gallery, where three of his four victims and their families sat. For most of the hour-long hearing he simply stared into the empty jury box or at the ceiling.'

* 'MARIE SHAW, QC for LIDDY, told the court he was entitled to choose to listen or not to listen in court. She blamed media reporting for LIDDY'S decision to refuse to listen to the victim impact statements, claiming there had been a campaign aimed at 'completely destroying this man's life forever'.'

Wham Bam Thank You Sam

* REX GARDNER'S Hobart Mercury front-paged a report on JOHN 'SAM' NEWMAN delivering a cream pie to Melbourne footballer DAVID SCHWARZ on The Footy Show, with frame-by-frame stills provided by the GTV-9 Publicity Department. MICHAEL WARNER'S News Ltd report says host EDDIE McGUIRE denied suggestions the pie stunt was a bid to win back ratings from Big Brother Uncut on Network 10. The Channel had said the pie stunt had not been pre-planned. GOLD-FM hosts PETER STUBBS and DIANE DUNLEAVY were entitled to ask if that was the case, did the Channel simply have standby cream cakes waiting in the wings.

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New TV Studios In Perth

* SHANNON McKENZIE of WA Business News reports that the new production facility for Access 31 in Perth has opened this month, with the assistance of a $200,000 grant from the Lotteries Commission. The station's production arm, Community Television, has digital editing, lighting, cameras and sound equipment in 350 sq. metre premises at the heritage-listed Swan Barracks home. A second grant of a similar amount will be made available to the organisation later this year. C-TV was previously housed with Access 31 at the Edith Cowan University Mount Lawley Campus.

Leader Re-Brand Widens

* SYLIVA BRADSHAW'S Leader Community Newspapers (Victoria) is continuing its re-branding exercise of its stable of 32 free weeklies.

* THE HEIDELBERGER becomes The Heidelberg Leader. The paper began on March 26, 1897 as The Heidelberg News; it became The Heidelberger on November 12, 1958.

* JOHN and NELL BENNETT founded The Mountain District Free Press in 1946, which has just become The Ranges Leader. The paper was variously under subsequent ownership of RUPERT MURDOCH'S Cumberland Newspapers, and the MOTT FAMILY'S Leader group, before MURDOCH interests purchased Leader.

* WILLIAM AXFORD established the Lillydale (note the spelling) & Yarra Valley Express in 1886. That paper has become the Lilydale Yarra Valley Leader. It has been within the local newspaper group since the 1970s.

* THE MOORABBIN NEWS started life in 1889, adopting the Moorabbin Standard News Pictorial name 60 years later after being absorbed within the Standard Newspapers Ltd group. The Moorabbin-Glen Eira Leader is the new title.

* THE MORDIALLOC CHELSEA NEWS also takes on the Leader nomenclature. It started life in 1902 as The Seaside News, then as the Carrum Borough Gazette, and also with separate editions for each district. The two News entities were brought together in 1966: 'It will have an immediate paid circulation of 10,000 and a readership several times in excess of this figure.'

* PHILLIP PITT NIND set up the Mornington County Herald on March 22, 1889. The Lang Lang Guardian - from February 22, 1902 - was owned variously by J.C. RYAN, H. FURZE, T. HENDERSON and G.F. HOPKINS, with the last-named setting up the Koo-Wee-Rup Sun, incorporating the other titles. Later owners included A.E. MILLARD, W.J. BATH, BILL GILES and CHRIS FISHER, who started the Cranbourne Sun title. The paper now becomes The Cranbourne Leader.

* THE ESSENDON GAZETTE started in 1888, and changed its masthead with local government amalgamation to become the Moonee Valley Gazette. It too has adopted the Leader title.

* Founding Publisher RAY FOLETTA was used for the name change to Brimbank Leader from a publication known for many years as The Keilor Messenger. he said he was joined by journalists BOB GRANT and RALPH WILSON in starting the paper: 'In those days the Broadmeadows Shire Council was not happy with the coverage it was getting from the Essendon Gazette so it approached the Leader, but they were not interested.' The men stepped in and started the Broadmeadows Observer, then the Messenger in 1969. ('Not even Leader or the State Library of Victoria have copies of the Observer before 1964,' notes the article.)

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Overseas Desk

* FELICITY BARRINGER, of The New York Times, says the Daily News has lost up to $100,000 weekly since it published a series of articles saying many city supermarkets were too dirty to meet state standards. Last week the paper ran a four-page 'effusively complimentary coverage' of the supermarket industry, prepared by a freelance writer.

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Sydney Siders

* JULIA ZAETTA is back as Editor of Better Homes and Gardens.

* SBS RADIO'S Newsroom is on the hunt for Senior Journalists. Contact DAVID HERBERT on (02) 9430 3606.

* JOHN BOOTH seeks an Advertising Sales Executive for The Weekly Times local newspaper, North Ryde (NSW).

* TONY FORREST, CEO, Movie Network, wants a Program Director for the Pay-TV distribution company.

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Melbourne Memo

* NATION REVIEW'S old Rosslyn Street premises in West Melbourne has the 'Sold' sign plastered to a board above the entrance where RICHARD WALSH and JOHN HEPWORTH used to lead the staff in the 1970s. A company associated with WALSH at the time, Angus & Robertson (set up in 1886 by Scots DAVID ANGUS and GEORGE ROBERTSON) has been sold for $100 million to UK booksellers, WH Smith. SEAN SMITH of The Daily Telegraph recalls that in the past 30 years that A&R owners have included News Corporation and Brashs.

* SUSHI DES has been appointed Victoria News Editor for The Age; STEVE WALDON moves to take up the final Package News editor position. DAVID WROE has been appointed Rural Reporter.

Queensland Quips

* TONY KOCH has been appointed News Editor of The Courier-Mail. He started in journalism in 1975 with the Queensland Country Life rural weekly. KOCH is a triple Walkley Award winner.

* JANN GREASLEY, Network Sales Manager, News limited Community Newspapers, is recruiting an Account Manager for the National Office in Brisbane. PO Box 191, Paddington, Qld 4064.

* PAUL McMAHON, MD of APN'S Toowoomba Chronicle, last week advertised for a Sales Manager. This week he has placed ads nationally for an Editor for the daily.

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South Aussie Snips

* CAROL TAYLOR is organising a reunion of 5KA staff. CAROL is hoping that 700 people will attend the November 17 get-together.

West Wire

* JOHN WEBB'S Consolidated Business Media has launched the quarterly Perth Woman magazine, and is being promoted on TV by former Network 10 newsreader CHRISTINA MORRISSY. CATIE LOW of WA Business News reports that the $4.95 magazine is edited by KAYT DAVIES, and is different to the competing Scoop and Perth Weekly magazines. Print run for the first issue was 20,000 copies.

Press Gang

* GREG DENHAM'S football columns in The Examiner (Launceston, Tas.) are accompanied by a miniature of The Age logo. The Examiner is also now including an A4 TV magazine in Friday editions - 96 Hours has programs for four days rather than the conventional seven days.

Air Waves

* LISA WHYTE has become Strategic Promotions Manager at Austereo. HELEN MOORE is now Promotions Manager for the Triple M Network.

* HUDSON BAWDEN of B&T Weekly speculates that the forced sale of either 4BH or 4KQ by Australian Radio Network (owned by APN News & Media) has opened a door for 4BC owner, Southern Cross Broadcasting. 'We certainly have not considered acquiring any of those stations at this stage,' SCB CEO TONY BELL is reported to say.

* RAY WARDROP has become Client Marketing Manager for Austereo's Mix 94.5 and All New 92.9 in Perth. He will work with GARY ROBERTS, high profiler with the Federation of Australian Radio Broadcasters.

* PLENTY VALLEY FM, northern Melbourne, had its Radiothon at the weekend.

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Your ABC

* ROBIN McCONCHIE, ABC Cairns, is calling for applications for an ABC Radio Rural Reporter, $31,829-$49,959. The job involves presenting a daily Rural Report. Reference: BQR123289.

* RAMONA KOVAL and MAX GILLIES led the Melbourne 'ABC Rally' On Sunday (June 17). Other speakers scheduled for the day were SHAUN MICALLEF, PROF. DEREK DENTON of the Howard Florey Institute, SENATOR BOB BROWN (Greens) and SENATOR LYN ALLISON (Democrats).

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Big Names Dept.

* JOHN BARTON, white-haired one-time Brisbane TV head, is standing for election as Mayor for Redlands (Qld). He used his five-year-old son FRASER'S Fathers Day message for a Redland Times half-page ad headlined 'JOHN BARTON = Families First'. 'My Dad has white hair, a big nose and big eyeballs that are blue. He is a little bit big and a little bit small. My Dad drives the truck or sometimes the silver car. My Dad works for a radio station, he does a lot of writing and talking (about the weather) and ADAM, his friend, talks about car crashes. When Dad was on TV he talked at night time. My Dad likes octopus and lettuce and fruit salad and paw paw and he likes beer. My Dad sometimes cooks sausages, baked beans and mashed potatoes. My Dad likes watching the news and Funniest Home Videos. My Dad plays golf, a lot, and he's beaten TIGER WOODS and GREG NORMAN. My Dad got a hole in one from right up on the tee. Sometimes when I'm in bed I truck My Dad and he tries to wake me up. Sometimes My Dad buys me ice cream when we go to the beach. I love My Dad because he always takes me to places and he hugs me and tickles me a lot.'

Smaller Names Dept.

* REVOLVING DOOR at Text Media? Is it true that a Large magazine staffer has been shown the door after returning from an extended break in New York? Could it be something to do with the advertising sales figures of Large mag which are said to have fallen from over $250k to under $80k in five months?

* ANTHONY McDONALD, Publisher of The Melbourne Weekly Magazine, is leaving ERIC BEECHER'S Text Media Group on June 22. McDONALD has submitted his resignation, after 4½ years in the chief executive's role at the 110,000-circulation gloss weekly. In that time, he has returned TMWM to high profitability, which assisted last year's Text Media public float. McDONALD will become General Manager of TMWM's largest client, the Jellis Craig real estate network in inner-Melbourne owned by RICHARD JELLIS and ALASTAIR CRAIG. New TMWM Publisher is MARTIN SELLERS, 38, a former Publisher at Niche Media, and also a senior executive at the Property Path joint venture. For the past three months as Associate Publisher, he has under-studied McDONALD at TMWM.

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Movers And Shakers

* KYLIE MINOGUE and KERRY PACKER'S Australian Consolidated Press have been ordered to mediation by JUSTICE RON MERKEL of the Federal Court (photographed socially in this week's Australian Jewish News), after the 'Budgie' became upset over a Estee Lauder promotion in the April edition of Cleo.

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The Local Report

* TONY WHITING'S Border Mail (Albury-Wodonga, NSW-Vic.) will publish a 16-page colour liftout on Thursday entitled '24 Hours'. It will feature a collection of the best photographs taken in a photo shoot which had 300 local people contributing.

* THE McPHERSON BROTHERS' Shepparton News have a timely 'house ad' to promote delivery of inserts within their daily: 'After the last few days of torrential rain you're probably asking yourself how many letter box dropped catalogues reached their potential customers ... not too many we suspect!' The paper, which has a daily audit average of just under 10,000 copies, says 'our circulation is guaranteed to reach over 46,200 potential customers in the Goulburn Valley on a Friday'.

Glass House

* JEFF THOMSON, cricketing great on Channel 7's cricket coverage on Thursday night: 'I'm getting f...... drowned here.' Just after commentator JAMES BRAYSHAW said they were going to assess the situation, take an ad break and return with highlights. But just before they did.

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Editor's E-Mail

* GEORGE W. RUSSELL writes: ' Dear Mr. Long, Just noticed your site. After nearly 15 years out of Australian journalism with few return visits, I looked at a long alphabetical list of media people and realised that the ones with whom I had morethan a passing acquaintance (either professionally or personally) back in Melbourne were more often than not working for organisations that are now extinct: COLIN DUCK, Sunday Press; STEVE DUNLEAVY, WNYW5, New York; SHELLEY GARE, The Herald; SHANE GREEN, Hong Kong Standard; DON GREENLEES, The Australian (Jakarta); ROSS GREENWOOD, The Australian; IAN McILWRAITH, the Australian; NEIL MITCHELL, The Herald; ROSEANNE MICHIE, Truth; TOM ORMONDE, The Age; JANINE PERRETT, New Idea; JOHN TREVORROW, The Herald; INNES WILLOX, The Herald. While not quite the exercise in nostalgia I thought it might be, I'll try to use your site to catch up a bit. Good luck. Best, GEORGE W. RUSSELL, Writer & Editor; 54C Tran Quoc Toan, Hanoi, Vietnam; Tel +84-4-943-3340 Fax 942-0612; Mob +84-91-554855; Email

Stix And Stones

* STEVE STICKNEY, Editor at The Manly Daily, looks at the fame-game, name-game, big game, big shame

* 'A crazy blond hairdo cannot hide a beige personality' - claws out as an already-dumped Big Brother housemate dumps on recent dumpee GORDON, the one with the shaved head decorated with a crescent of gelled spikes. Sydney Confidential.

* 'It's OK, Nong is just my short name. It's not my real nickname' - The Australian newspaper's Bangkok researcher NONGNOOT PENGSAWAT was relieved after initially being aghast following an explanation of what her common name means in Aussie English. Then she proudly confided: 'My real nickname is Ningnong'. The Oz.

* 'The marlin itself is missing, presumed digested' - the tracking tag from a 15kg marlin caught off Cairns in 1996 turns up in Sydney after the fish was caught recently, weighing in at 175kg, by a fisherman 13,000km away in Costa Rica. Weekend Herald.

* 'It has been seen that some foreign women drive cars in the cities, which is against the Afghan tradition and has a negative impact on the environment' - letter circulated to foreign aid agencies in Afghanistan. Agence France Presse.

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Media Money

* $75,000 a week: turnover of the Tip Star footy competition partly owned by media men STEVE VIZARD and EDDIE McGUIRE. Projected turnover had been $1 million a week during the AFL season.

The Last Word

* WILLIAM VERITY, one of Australia's best local newspaper Editors, used his The Way It Is column in the Fairfield City Champion (Fairfax) to note: 'It gives me no pleasure to report that the opposition Fairfield Advance appears to be about to move to Liverpool. Of course, it's likely to benefit this newspaper in the short term, but ultimately I believe it's bad news for us, bad news for them, and bad news for Fairfield. It's bad news for them, because it sends the wrong signal to the community they are supposed to represent, and because covering an area from somewhere else never works very well. It's bad news for Fairfield, because it marks the end of an era for its oldest newspaper and an inevitable reduction in the quality of local news coverage. But it's also bad news for us, because I believe that any vital organisation needs competition to keep it alert and ready to adopt new ideas. The big boss of the News Limited Suburbans, BRIAN O'FLAHERTY, should fool no-one when he says the move will 'enhance our already outstanding level of service to customers'. The reality is that the bean counters have a grip, and from their level of service cannot see that a local newspaper that is not local is not a true newspaper either. I'm sure the management at Cumberland Newspapers will ignore my view, but I'll state it anyway. It's not too late to admit you're wrong - keep your local newspapers local.'


* 'MR NICK FALLOON, CEO of PBL, said: 'PBL are confident that the strategy, that was put in place when PBL invested, is on track. RUPERT MURDOCH said last month that he has 'tremendous faith in One.Tel'. MR MURDOCH said that News believes our strategy has been good - and that we are 'building a telephone company and have plenty of financial resources' - One.Tel Chairman's Address, to the November 13, 2000 AGM.

* 'Business is tracking very well. We do not need to raise cash. Our business is fully funded,' the November 13 Report added.

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Australian Media Job Directory


* THE SUNRAYSIA DAILY, Mildura, requires an experienced all-round journalist with sub-editing and page layout experience. PO Box 1400, Mildura, 3502.

* IGA want an Advertising Co-Ordinator, based at Woodridge (Qld).

* J A BRADLEY & SONS is hiring a Journalist for a 12-month position at Temora (NSW), for a bi-weekly newspaper. PO Box 174, Temora 2666.

* HERVEY BAY (Qld) is the location for a Sales Manager's position for a free weekly newspaper. Applicant 'should have leadership qualities to replace retiring owner'. 31/14-24 Exeter St, Torquay 4655. AH (07) 4128 9464.

* JANE O'DONNELL, Editorial and Production Manager of Cambridge University Press, calls for applications for a Managing Editor for its Education Division, to be based at Port Melbourne.

* KATHRYN HOWARTH from P and I Publishing in Clarence Street, Sydney, (02) 9279 2055 has a job in the $30-35m range for a graphic designer with a few years experience.

* JOHN NIEUWENHUIZEN, University of Melbourne, seeks a Media Promotions Officer for the Communications Office. The job pays $42,510 - $46,016, plus Super.

* SHANE HIGGS' Melbourne Times requires a part-time Sub-Editor.

* WESTERN MINING want a Public Affairs Advisor, up to 12 months contract, to be based in Perth. ROHAN HOLLAND, (08) 9442 2046, has the answers.

* PETER SALT, at Hamilton James & Bruce, Sydney, has the task of finding a Public Relations Associate, including media relations duties.

* JOANNA PHILIPP and NICHOLAS TUCKFIELD at Margot Davis And Company are advertising a package of up to $50,000 for a Corporate Communications Executive.

* WENDY HODGES at FPC Power Media seeks an Advertising Sales Account Executive for the group which includes Australian Golf Digest, Overlander, Two Wheels, Fast Fours, Modern Boating and Modern Fishing.

* TRACY YAFFA hunts for a new Editor for Powerboat magazine.

Work Wanted

* Advertise your 'Work Wanted' notice in Media Flash. We'll print your 'Work Wanted' ad for free. Simply E-Mail it to us by 5pm Friday at

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Effective Words

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