Scoop Images: The Buildup To S26

Published: Tue 26 Sep 2000 09:46 AM
... pictures from
The day before the IMF meetings begin, activists have hung a giant banner which reads: "NO IMF, WB, WTO! End Corporate Rule!" Making it clear that the S26 protests are more than a protest against the IMF, activists are targeting an international economic system. The bridge from which the banner was hung is the main traffic route from the city of Praha to the convention center where the meetings are taking place. The two Polish and one American activist who were detained have been released.
PEACE TRAIN ARRIVES: The peoples global express train that left Italy on Saturday afternoon finally arrived in prague this morning at 3am. The train spent several hours on the border arguing about who would be allowed to enter Czechoslovakia.
Anti-fascist protestors
McDonalds Under Guard In Prague

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