12 Moore Protestors Turn Up In Blustery Conditions
About 12 protestors turned up in blustery conditions outside Government House, Wellington, this morning to protest against the World Trade Organisation and Former New Zealand PM Mike Moore’s involvement with it.
WTO Director General Mike Moore was on his way to his investiture by the Governor General with the Order of New Zealand.
This morning’s protest is the first of two scheduled to meet Mr Moore during his visit home. A second protest is planned for a Chamber of Commerce function in Christchurch on Monday morning.
This morning’s protest - organised by the Peace Movement Aotearoa (PMA) - voiced opposition to free trade at the expense of the environment and workers rights.
The protestors said they believe the WTO is an undemocratic organisation and that Mike Moore, as director, is responsible for its policies that increase the power of the - even more undemocratic - multinational corporations.
Since taking up the post of Director General of the WTO Moore has faced a wave of protest against the WTO all around the world, most notably in Seattle in late November last year when protestors fought pitched battles with police and where a curfew was imposed over the city.
Trade Union Federation Secretary Michael Gilchrist says Mike Moore’s visit coincides with growing anger among workers, students and a wide range of civil society organisations over the growing “democracy deficit” in New Zealand.
“New Zealanders have no knowledge, no participation and no choice in our country’s trade and investment policies,” he said.
The protestors this morning chanted ”Shut the door
on Mike Moore” and “Free trade costs the Earth”. They
remained peaceful. A diplomatic protection squad member
was keeping an eye on the crowd, but no police were