Commitment to public services welcomed - PSA
The Labour Party's state sector policy shows a 'clear understanding of what afflicts the public service and, more importantly, what must be done to improve it,' the PSA national secretary Paul Cochrane said today.
The PSA has long said the public service needs to employ and retain staff on good pay and conditions to deliver services to the level New Zealanders expect and deserve.
'We would welcome an end to the National Government's fixation with cost cutting and pre-determined outcomes and equally we welcome Labour's initiatives,' he said.
In particular, Labour's investment in skills training and apprenticeships, in proper career structures and its encouragement of collective bargaining means the relationship between public service workers and the government will be based on a true partnership.
'Partnership is the best way to improve the quality of services our members deliver to our communities,' he said.
The PSA also endorsed Labour's proposal to have the State Services Commission act as a public service arbiter of ethics and standards is a necessary strengthening of its role.
'It will avoid the cynical abuse of power and
privilege that has become all too common and all too
predictable under the decade of National rule,' Cochrane