Loch Katrine Closed During Labour Weekend
The Loch Katrine gate will not be opened this Labour weekend, but as of 1 November vehicles will have access on a limited basis, says the Department of Conservation.
North Canterbury Area manager Richard Suggate says the gate will be opened to 10 vehicles a day as of 1 November until 30 June. “ The gate and booking system is a necessary measure to reduce damage to public conservation land north of Loch Katrine. It’s still very wet during this time of year as we’re getting a lot of nor’west rain. If vehicles were to go in at this time they would churn up the track and surrounding land.”
There are clearly marked signs at Lake Taylor and Loch Katrine that advise the public of the restricted access and phone booking system. “Even though we have explained why DOC and the Hurunui District Council are taking these measures, some vandals stole a large sign at Hawarden and damaged the gate, shortly after it was installed in August. We have since fixed the gate and the offenders have been caught. They will be making restitution to the department.”
Recreationists still have unrestricted vehicle access to Lake Taylor and Loch Katrine and boat access to Lake Sumner from Loch Katrine. Walking and cycling access is not restricted in any area.
For vehicle access beyond Loch Katrine, members of the public can book with DOC up to one month in advance. Phone 03 371 3706, Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm.