Water Pressure Group Protest Rally
Outside Metrowater - Cnr Mount Albert Road & Mount Eden Road Friday 1 October 1999 11am to 1pm
This rally is to protest the continued existence of Metrowater Ltd - Auckland's commercialised and profit-driven water services company, and to remind the city council that they will remain in hot water until they listen to the people, act on the message, and abolish Metrowater.
October 1st - Two Developments:
* The resignation date of Metrowater CEO David Howell, which we will celebrate The first day of the new "fairer" tariff which drastically increases
user charges - loading even more burden onto those least able to pay.
Boycott Campaign The Water Pressure Group now has over 900 members. The wastewater bills boycott campaign continues and currently we are distributing 120,000 leaflets throughout Auckland City. WE NEED YOUR HELP. Please contact the Group to assist with coverage for your area.
The first legal services bill has arrived to the group defendents in this case. Please consider making a generous donation toward these expenses - cheques can be made payable to the group (details below).