Launch Of Body Image And Ageing Campaign
The only way to avoid wrinkles is to live in outer space or never smile again. This is a key message of The Body Shop's Body Image and Ageing campaign, being launched Wednesday 15 September. The campaign is supported by Age Concern New Zealand, who have arranged for a group of older people to visit The Body Shop store at 260 Lambton Quay, Wellington, between 10.30 am and 12.00 pm.
"Age Concern New Zealand is delighted to support The Body Image and Ageing campaign, which aims to raise awareness and encourage debate of the issues surrounding ageing," says Claire Austin, Chief Executive of Age Concern New Zealand.
"The campaign challenges attitudes to body image and ageing and will be valuable in promoting discussion. Many myths surround the ageing process. This campaign promotes the message that we all grow older and ageing is something we can accept and enjoy," Claire Austin says.
This International Year of Older Persons 1999 campaign will feature and celebrate an aged Ruby, the doll character which was a key part of campaigns run by The Body Shop on women's self esteem. Ruby, now aged 60, says she feels the same as she did 30 years ago. Ruby will be present in each store with messages to share about ageing.
The Body Shop will release its second issue of "Full Voice" magazine - Body Image and Ageing, which will be distributed through all stores of The Body Shop and at Age Concern Councils around the country.
Key objectives of the Body Image and Ageing campaign are: To create awareness and generate debate of the issues surrounding ageing and body image To challenge / change the mindset of New Zealanders towards ageing and older people in the community To bring about broader acceptance of ageing and older persons.
People visiting The Body Shop are invited to share their thoughts on ageing by completing the following phrase: "In my life, ageing to me is?". Comments will be collated and the findings released in October to co-incide with International Day of Older Persons.