Telemedicine Breakthrough To Be Launched In Wgtn.
Telemedicine Breakthrough To Be Launched In Wellington, Melbourne, Australia
A new Remote Medical Imaging System that will provide affordable, immediate medical diagnostic access for remote areas will be previewed in Wellington today.
Multi-award winning Australian software technology company Compumedics will demonstrate the new system in a pioneering live link between the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne and the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand in Wellington.
The new Compumedics echoLink system enables a cardiac ultrasound study to be transmitted anywhere in the world using only 1 or 2 ISDN telephone lines. Optional integrated video conferencing allows simultaneous consultation during the study. The new software runs on conventional personal computers and will allow more cost- effective and more accessible health care for a wider variety of people.
The demonstration will begin at 1.00pm today and show: 7A cardiac ultrasound study being performed at the Royal Children's Hospital and transmitted live to Wellington 7Live audio video of Dr David Coleman in Wellington viewing the ultrasound study as it is being performed in Melbourne.
"This represents an exciting leap forward in medical technology which will allow the expertise of the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne to break down geographical borders in an affordable and accessible form," Dr Jim Wilkinson, Director of Cardiology at the Royal Children's Hospital, said today.
Launch of Compumedics
echoLink system: live hook up from Melbourne to
1.00pm Tuesday 10 August 1999
Main Auditorium, Wellington Festival and
Convention Centre, 11 Wakefield Street,
Further Information: Josh Williams CPR
Communications & Public Relations Tel: +64-413-620-456