Nurses Call To Revive Pay Equity Claims
This International Women’s Day, New Zealand Nurses Organisation Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa (NZNO) calls on the Government to honour its pre-election promise to pay all nurses equally by providing pay equity across the funded sector including primary and community health.
NZNO President Anne Daniels says there are many hurdles to cross before women in Aotearoa are paid fairly and equally.
"The current Government has not been kind to women’s issues from the get-go. The disestablishment of the Pay Equity Taskforce last year is a great example of this.
"Before the Pay Equity Taskforce was disestablished, there was regular reporting on the positive impacts of pay equity settlements."
Ms Daniels says NZNO has at least 10 pay equity claims being progressed across branches of the health sector including Aged Care, Primary Health Care, Hospices, Plunket, Community Health and Laboratories covering many nurse and support worker roles. Some of these claims have been going on for years. The intention to raise a pay equity claim for Māori and Iwi is also planned for the future.
"This Government’s hands-off/hands-on approach means pay equity claims remain between employers and employees and their unions. But in the case of agreements being reached employers are not to make any offers to settle without the Government sanctioning the costs."
The right for girls and women in Aotearoa New Zealand to live whatever lives they choose free from gender discrimination is enshrined in our country’s law, and this includes workplace salaries, Ms Daniels says.
"Achieving pay equity, particularly in health, will ensure more people are recruited to nursing to meet the needs of the population and that culturally appropriate care is delivered that addresses the health inequities."