Introducing TUA - Hine And Tāne, Chatbots For Those On Smoke-free Journeys
Kei te whakamātautauhia tētahi rauemi hangarau e te hunga rangatahi e aro nui ana ki te whakamutu i te momi. Kua hanga rauemi mā te hunga rangatahi. Ko Tua - Hine rāua ko Tāne te ingoa, ā, he hoa matihiko, he pou āwhina a Tua hei tautoko i te tangata i ngā rā 30 tuatahi o te whakamutu i te momi. Ko tā te rauemi nei, he tuku tīwhiri, he tuku kupu āwhina ki te whakaāhuru i te āwangawanga me te warawara.
Ahakoa ko te kaipaipa te aronga matua o te hangarau nei, ko te kaupapa whānui o ēnei kōrerorero ko te toro ki te mātauranga Māori ahakoa tō whainga, kia āta mārama ai he aha ō piki me ō heke ā-hinengaro, ā-tinana. He maha ngā kōrero mō te maramataka, mō te pūrākau, mō te karakia kei ā mātou whārangi Paeāhua, whārangi Pukamata anō hoki e pai ai tō hono ki te taiao, hei āwhina hoki i a koe i te ia rā!
E rua tau e toe ana kia tūtuki ai tā tātou whāinga ā-motu, arā, kia Auahi Kore a Aotearoa ā te tau 2025. Kei te heke haere ngā tatauranga momi ā-motu, engari anō mō Ngāi Māori kei taiwhenua e noho ana.
Hei tā te kaitohu o Te Whatu Ora, arā, hei tā Kathrine Clarke, "he rauemi pai tēnei mō rātou e noho tawhiti atu ana i ngā ratonga kaipaipa. Nā te rahi o Ngāi Māori e noho taiwhenua ana, he uaua ake ki te whai āwhina. Ko te tūmanako matua, he āheinga hou te hangarau nei ki te toro atu ki a rātou."
E mihi ana ki te hunga nāna tēnei kaupapa i waihanga, nāna tēnei kaupapa i hāpai.
Hei tā te kaiwhakahaere matua o Hāpai Te hauora, arā, hei tā Jason Alexander, "Me hoki ā-mahara tātou ki ō tātou tīpuna me tō rātou koi ki te para huarahi hou. Ahakoa ehara te kaipaipa nō konei, kei a mātou te mātauranga me te rongoā kia whai oranga ai koe".
Introducing TUA - Hine and Tāne, chatbots for those on smoke-free journeys
Two new digital tools have been launched for young tāne and wahine who want to stop smoking. TUA - Hine and Tāne chatbots are available 24/7 on Facebook Messenger, sending daily check-ins, tips and distractions to provide support through the first 30 days of stopping smoking.
Alongside the chatbots, the TUA website and social media pages offer a wealth of mātauranga Māori to help whānau connect to themselves and te taiao (the natural environment). This includes knowledge of maramataka (the Māori lunar cycle), pūrākau (stories and legends), and karakia to empower them in their daily lives on their smoke-free journey.
The gap is closing in meeting our Smokefree 2025 goal for Aotearoa, and while smoking rates continue to drop across the country, TUA offers another tool for those wanting to stop smoking. Kathrine Clarke, Director of Health Promotion at Te Whatu Ora, says, "This technology offers a contemporary solution to support those who want to stop smoking and improve their wellbeing. Rangatahi can access immediate support on their terms and connect to other smoking support services through the chatbot."
The creation of the chatbots has been a collaborative effort involving many supporters, including passionate wāhine Māori.
Jason Alexandar, Hāpai te Hauora CEO, says, "We look back to our ancestors and see their sharp intellect in creating new technologies. While smoking isn’t from here or belongs to us, we have the tools and creativity to find innovative solutions to be well. TUA is an example of that."
TUA Channels:
TUA Website:
TUA Hine Facebook:
TUA Tāne Facebook:
TUA Instagram: