Testing at the Founders Theatre community testing centre in central Hamilton remains steady with 277 tests taken on Tuesday 29 September.
People are encouraged to seek advice from Healthline before being tested if not symptomatic or identified by Public Health as a close contact.
All general practices are testing their own patients, and practices identified as ‘designated testing practices’ also test unenrolled patients. Advance bookings are essential for GP testing.
For a full list of locations where people can get a COVID-19 test, go to Healthpoint.
It is free to get a COVID-19 test, wherever you go.
Update on COVID-19 vaccinations in the Waikato DHB region
To date (as at 9.30am 29 September), 408,240 COVID-19 vaccinations have been delivered in the Waikato.
- 259,199 first doses have been administered
- 149,041 second doses have been administered
Vaccination clinics
- Walk-in appointments are available at many vaccination sites across the Waikato.
- People can now also bus free to and from their vaccination appointment if they show proof of their booking. See busit.co.nz/vaccination for more details.
- COVID-19 drop-in vaccination clinics are operating in Ōtorohanga and Waipā districts this week from 10am to 3pm:
o Thursday 30 September – Pirongia Memorial Hall, 997 Franklin Street, Pirongia
o Friday 1 October – Kio Kio United Sports Club, Paewhenua Road, Maihiihi, Ōtorohanga
- In Hamilton, a mobile vaccination clinic is set up at Pak'n’Save on Clarence Street today, and on Wednesday and Thursday next week. There will also be a mobile vaccination clinic at Pak’n’Save on Mill Street on Thursday and Friday this week.
- From next week, there will be an increase in the number of mobile clinics across the takiwā with regular visits to locations through to the end of the year.
Reminder - Making a vaccination appointment
Although walk-ins are available at many vaccination sites, the best way of guaranteeing a vaccination on the time, day and place of your choosing is to book.
- If you have made a booking and are not able to attend your appointment, please cancel your booking so someone else can use that appointment time.
- If you are unsure when your appointment is, check on the booking system at https://app.bookmyvaccine.covid19.health.nz/manage using your contact number or email address and booking reference. Alternatively, you can call 0800 28 29 26 for assistance.
- Everyone aged 12+ can now visit bookmyvaccine.nz to make their bookings.
- We ask everyone when attending their appointments under Alert Level 2 to remain vigilant and follow the key public health measures detailed on the Unite Against COVID-19 website.
If people have flu-like symptoms
Do not come into the hospital if you have cold or flu-like symptoms.
If you are concerned about your risk of COVID-19, please ring Healthline (0800 358 5453). They will tell you if you need to be tested and what to do next.
- It is free to get a COVID-19 test
- GPs are able to provide assessment and testing – please phone your practice first
- Please do not turn up to your GP without an appointment
- After hours, you can be seen at an urgent care clinic
- We recommend you take your NHI number with you, which can speed up the timeframe to receive your test results.