We would like to remind our communities that they can drive-thru Community Based Assessment Centres (CBAC) during the level 4 lock down period.
Official numbers will be released, but thousands of people have driven-thru this past week thanks to the tireless effort of staff working around the clock to ensure there is a place to go for anyone concerned they might have COVID-19.
Staff are set up across the Waikato and will be there to assess and test people every day.
The test results will take several days for those who have COVID-19 swaps taken.
“We have been building an aeroplane and flying it at the same time with these centres. We set them up in 48 hours, it’s an immense amount of work and I’m so proud of our healthcare team and partnership with Civil Defence, Councils and Iwi to achieve what we have” says Dr Damian Tomic, Waikato DHB clinical director of planning.
You need to attend a CBAC if you are displaying flu-like systems or have recently travelled.
Firstly, phone Healthline on 0800 358 5453. Healthline will provide guidance on whether assessment and testing is needed. If you cannot get through to Healthline you can also phone your general practice/doctor for advice.
Open centres:
- Claudelands Event Centre
Open daily from 8am to 8pm daily
Entrance Gate 3, Brooklyn Road, Hamilton- Drive-Thru, Gate 3
- Tokoroa Hospital
Open daily 8am to 3pm
5-75 Maraetai Road Tokoroa- Drive-Thru
- Ngaruawahia Panthers Rugby League Club
Opening Thursday 26 March - 9am to 3pm
Whatawhata Road Ngaruawahia- Drive-Thru
- Taumarunui Hospital campus
Opening Thursday 26 March - 9am to 3pm
63 Kururau Rd, Taumarunui 3920- Drive-Thru
- Huntly War Memorial Hall
Opening Friday 27 March - 10.30am to 3pm
Wight St Street, Huntly- Drive-Thru
- Te Kuiti Hospital
Opening Friday 27 March - 9am to 3pm
10 Eketone Street, Te Kuiti- Drive-Thru
- Silver Fern Event Centre, Te Aroha
Opening Saturday 28 March - 9am to 3pm
44 Stanley Avenue, Te Aroha- Drive-Thru
GPs that are offering COVID-19 assessments:
- Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki Thames
830am to 4.30pm Monday to Sunday
210 Richmond Rd
Ph: 07 868 0033
Ph: 0508 835 676 - Tui Medical Centre
Opening hours
8am to 4.30pm Monday to Sunday
26 Bryant Road, Te Rapa
Ph: 0800 175 175 ext.: 1 for COVID-19 line
Edit: Please note Huntly opens at 9am.
Please keep watch here as times may change daily: https://www.waikatodhbnewsroom.co.nz/2020/03/28/waikato-you-can-drive-thru-covid-19-assessment-centres-during-lock-down/