NZNO welcomes the HQSC adverse events report
NZNO welcomes the HQSC adverse events
Media Release 24 November 2017
NZNO welcomes the HQSC adverse events report
NZNO welcomes the adverse events
report and thanks the Health Quality and Safety Commission
(HQSC) for their work to produce it with very recent and
relevant data. The changes to the national adverse events
reporting policy which, came into effect in July this year,
are also progressing well.
Manager Nursing and Professional Services, Jane MacGeorge congratulates the Commission on the increased focus on outcomes of serious events for the consumer, increased engagement with whānau, and extending coverage to the whole Health and Disability sector including mental health and addictions.
“We appreciate the culture of learning that allows us to find meaningful ways to improve patient safety while identifying workforce and, resource and system issues that are a barrier to safe care and safe staffing,” Jane MacGeorge said.
“NZNO is pleased to see a small decrease in the
patient falls category and acknowledges the good work being
done across the country in this regard.
However, nurse
sensitive indicators like pressure injuries, failure to
rescue a deteriorating patient and the increase in hospital
acquired infections are concerning.
“These particular indicators need to be monitored specifically, not as part of a homogenous group as they are a barometer of quality of care and typically observed in an under resourced system,” she said.
NZNO is working to have the Care Capacity Demand Management system operating in all DHBs to improve safe staffing levels, to ensure hospitals are safer for patients and staff.
“The underfunding of the health service has led to understaffed hospitals and lean resources but with a new government promising reinvestment we expect the situation for patients and health staff to improve,” Jane MacGeorge said.
report can be viewed here.