More help for parents and whānau to stop smoking
More help for parents and whānau to stop smoking
Friday 3
November 2017
Southern DHB
is making it easier for patients and whānau who smoke and
want to stop to access nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
A new initiative at Dunedin Hospital offers parents/caregivers who smoke nicotine packs when attending the Emergency Department with their children, along with a referral to the Southern Stop Smoking service. The packs include patches and gum or lozenges, as well as information on using the nicotine replacement therapy.
Photo above left to right: Alex McBain, Registered Nurse
and Nic Holborow Associate Charge Nurse Manager, Dunedin
Hospital Emergency Department with the NRT packs.
“I’m really excited to be part of this initiative and I can’t wait to see how it goes,” says Emergency Department Associate Charge Nurse Manager, Nic Holborow.
“We already ask parents and whānau about smoking and we offer support to those wanting to stop by providing a prescription for NRT and a referral to the Southern Stop Smoking service. However, the pack makes it a lot easier to start stopping because parents and whānau don’t need to go to the pharmacy to get the prescription which is often difficult when you have a sick child.”
Once referred to the Southern Stop Smoking service, parents or whānau are contacted by the service within 24-48 hours of referral being received to offer ongoing support, advice, education and NRT.
Southern DHB Smokefree Coordinator, Debby Newton says that her team are delighted to support this initiative. “It’s really important to be smokefree and to stay healthy for your whānau.Stopping is not easy, but there are strategies and tools to help parents and whānau on the journey, and the coaches from the Southern Stop Smoking service provide support along the way.
For more information and help to stop smoking go to Smokefree South Facebook page