'Sailor the Puffer Fish' Educates 14,000 Children on Asthma
Puffer Fish educates 14,000 children on asthma
Sailor the Puffer Fish is nearing the finale of his 2017 North Island tour, educating 14,000 school children about asthma, tips on how to manage it, and what to do in an emergency.
Sailor the Puffer Fish is a musical show performed alongside entertainer Chris Lam Sam, who visited primary schools and early childhood education centres in Wellington, Huntly, Tauranga, Hamilton, and Auckland between May and July.
The show has already proven to be effective. A week after Chris had performed at a school in Waikato, both a student and a teacher suffered from serious asthma attacks in which ambulances had to be called.
“Everyone knew how they could help before the ambulances arrived,” says Chris Lam Sam. The Waikato primary school was incredibly grateful for the education they received well before they had to put it in use.
This year the show was performed at 70 schools who will now be invited to be certified as an Asthma Friendly School. To qualify, the schools will need an asthma policy and a first aid kit containing an up-to-date reliever inhaler.
“The certification means parents and caregivers can easily identify which schools have staff that are educated, and know what steps to take in an asthma emergency,” says Letitia O’Dwyer Chief Executive of the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ.
Sailor’s tour was funded by donations given to the Foundation during their April appeal. “Keeping this education free for schools and early childhood centres plays a large part in Sailor’s ongoing success,” says Lam Sam.
Sailor the Puffer Fish was founded by Asthma Waikato who delivered the show in the Waikato region. Sailor has now been taken on board by the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ, to increase awareness and education about asthma by delivering the show at a national level.
The final shows of the 2017 tour will take place on 24 and 31 July in the Wellington area. If you are interested in becoming a certified Asthma Friendly School then please contact the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ on 04 499 4592.