The New Zealand Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs)
The New Zealand Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs)
Unless you have been under a rock or a duvet for the past few years, you will know that including regular activity and exercise into your life is a pretty wise move if you want to be healthy and remain so.
When it comes to putting exercise intention into action, you want to make sure you get the right information and advice; advice that suits your lifestyle, health etc.
When you get sick or need medical advice, you generally
head to your doctor knowing that they have been through
checks of their qualifications, as they are not able to
practise in NZ without registration.
Unfortunately you
cannot assume the same when you get advice on exercising as
not all personal trainers and exercise professional are
equal. In fact anyone can claim to be an expert in health
and fitness, with or without any qualifications or
A person who sets you up with good exercise advice and lifestyle plans can add years to your life, help prevent an array of lifestyle diseases, and contribute to both mental and physical health. In order to do these things, they should know what they are talking about.
So before you put your health and your body in the hands of someone, there are a few things you need to take into account to make sure you get the right advice from an expert.
Are they qualified?
trained exercise professional will have completed a
qualification in exercise and health related study.
order to give you the right exercise advice, your exercise
professional needs to know how the human body works, and how
to develop safe exercise advice to prevent injury. While
what you look like on the outside may motivate you to
exercise, your trainer or instructor needs to know what’s
going on inside your body to get good results safely. An
unqualified or untrained person claiming to be an exercise
professional could well take the latest fitness fad and get
you to follow it blindly. A professional who knows their
stuff will be able to adapt any new technique and make it
safe for you.
Is your trainer or instructor
up to date?
Exercise is a science and
developments are continuing, resulting in changes in the
types of exercises we do and how we do them. If your trainer
or instructor doesn’t stay up to date by reading widely,
attending workshops and professional development courses to
up skill their knowledge, then the exercises you are doing
may be out of date, ineffective or just dangerous.
How do I get a good exercise
It’s actually quite easy to
choose a qualified and up to date trainer or instructor.
While the bad news is that we don’t have compulsory
registration in NZ, we do have REPs, the New Zealand
Register of Exercise Professionals. Registration with REPs
is the recognised standard to ensure safe and effective
exercise advice. Exercise facilities can also register with
REPs, undertaking to only use staff that are qualified, up
to date, and who agree to a set of ethics in the work they
do. So by choosing a REPs registered professional or
facility you are making the right choice.
great that most of the exercise industry (both facilities
and exercise professionals) are registered with REPs, and
almost all of the major exercise facilities and chains are
registered with REPs.
It’s easy to find out whether
someone is registered. Just head to .
Who recommends using REPs registered
You don’t have to take our word
for it. There are some pretty large organisations that
support using a REPs registered professional.
Ministry of Health, in their new guide to using the gym
recommend REPs registered facilities and trainers
The fringe benefit tax free Stress Management Exercise
Association Endorsed Programme uses only REPs registered
trainers and facilities.