March update from the Southern Partnership Group
Press Release
18 March 2016
March update from the Southern Partnership Group
The Southern Partnership Group (SPG) met this week and received a report from Sapere Research Group on progress with the Strategic Service Plan.
The SPG is pleased to report that Sapere have met with a number of key stakeholders across the Southern region to discuss the patient journey across the district and current service challenges. Further meetings and a series of workshops are being set up to help identify the opportunities that might arise from the redevelopment work.
The SPG was advised by Southern DHB management that good progress continues on the urgent and interim works at Dunedin Hospital. The group also had the opportunity to view the DHB’s Implementation Business Case prepared for the Capital Investment Committee for the Intensive Care Unit.
The Group is exploring ways to fast-track the project and are expecting to deliver the strategic case for redevelopment of Dunedin Hospital to the Capital Investment Committee and Ministers of Health and Finance later this year.
Further information on the project is available at: