Wean Your Kids off Sugar and on to Nature’s Lollies
Wean Your Kids off Sugar and on to Nature’s Lollies
Facebook/Tweet: Help your kids ditch sugar by tempting them with nature’s lollies instead! #loveblueberries #brainbooster #sugarfree
AUCKLAND, 8th March 2016: Kids love small, bright, sweet treats so parents are being encouraged to lure young taste buds away from sugar this month by popping some fresh New Zealand blueberries into their lunchbox instead.
New Zealand fresh blueberries are at the peak of their season, so now’s the time to make the most of Mother Nature’s lollies while they’re still available.
“After a summer of sugary treats many parents will be keen to get their family’s healthy eating habits back on track,” says Dan Peach, Chairperson of Blueberries New Zealand. “But there’s no reason to deprive youngsters of a sweet snack during the day. Blueberries are ideal and kids of all ages love them.”
Many New Zealanders have already been tucking into their favourite berries over summer. This season’s consumption is expected to exceed the 2014/15 season when New Zealand purchased 652 tonnes of blueberries from supermarkets alone – equivalent to 5.21 million 125gm punnets. Market research company Nielsen says that supermarket sales account for 75%(1) of the total market for blueberry sales so it is estimated New Zealanders ate their way through an estimated total of 869 tonnes.
Dan Peach says blueberries are proof that healthy things can come in small packages – these little nutrition powerhouses are full of antioxidants and nutrients to help improve your child’s memory and concentration as they start the new school year.
They’re also low in fat and provide lots of vitamin C, energy and dietary fibre to keep your family running at full speed.
Blueberries are a guilt-free, convenient food you can eat at any time of day. Throw them into smoothies, use them in muffins or pancakes, add them to salads or enjoy them straight out of the punnet.
For more ideas and recipes you can visit www.blueberriesnz.co.nz