Allandale School achieves Health accreditation
Allandale School achieves Health Promoting Schools
bronze accreditation
Allandale School in
Whakatane is the latest school to achieve bronze
accreditation as part of the Health Promoting Schools (HPS)
programme delivered by Toi Te Ora – Public Health
The HPS programme supports participating school communities to identify and address their prioritised health and wellbeing needs and take actions for improvement. The bronze accreditation award recognises Allandale School’s work towards improving the health and wellbeing of their school community.
Healthy eating is one focus for the primary school as part of the HPS programme. A number of initiatives were implemented such as a healthy food and drink policy, a vegetable garden and mini orchard, a breakfast club, nutrition lessons and supplying lunch for those without. Promoting water as the preferred beverage for students has also been part of the nutrition focus. “Water is the drink of choice at Allandale School. Drink sachets, fizzy and caffeine-based drinks are not welcome. Water provides everything our tamariki need to prepare their minds and bodies for learning,” says Principal of Allandale School, Drew Manning.
Sun safety initiatives for the school included establishing a sun safety policy, sunscreen continuing to be available in classrooms, sun safety lessons, purchasing a portable gazebo, and ensuring students wear hats during summer.
The focus on physical activity resulted in the school almost doubling the amount of equipment it has for sports and physical activity. The number of students participating in organised sport has increased, with teams regularly competing in events.
“Our commitment to the health and wellbeing of our students is not only shown by the many initiatives and activities we do, but it is also embedded into our school charter and strategic planning,” says Mr Manning.
Sharon Muru, Health Improvement Manager for Toi Te Ora - Public Health Service says, “Schools are an important part of our communities. Involving the whole school community in promoting healthy lifestyles and creating physical and social environments which are supportive of health are key to improving the health and wellbeing of our families and future generations. Allandale School has provided an excellent example of what can be achieved and I hope that other schools will follow their lead.”
For more information about Health Promoting Schools visit or