OsteoHealth NZ Opens Its Doors on World Osteoporosis Day
OsteoHealth NZ Opens Its Doors on World
Osteoporosis Day
By Cath King
12 October 2015
Christchurch-based nutritionist, Cath King, opens the doors of her new business – OsteoHealth NZ on World Osteoporosis Day, 20th October.
Osteoporosis is a growing problem in New Zealand with an estimated 70,000 sufferers. Osteoporosis literally means 'porous bones' and is a condition where bones gradually become brittle and fragile, leading to an increased risk of fracture. It can affect both women and men, and while sufferers are usually over the age of 50, younger people can develop it too.
As there are often no signs or symptoms, many people do not realise they have this disease until a fracture occurs. “OsteoHealth’s goal is to help people prevent developing this disease later in life by detecting early signs of thinning bone mass using the latest ultrasound scanning technology and educating them about bone health,” Mrs King stated. “Luckily, while osteoporosis can be difficult to treat, it is largely preventable with the correct diet and lifestyle strategies.”
Mrs King has had huge success already in helping clients to reverse other so-called “irreversible” diseases (diabetes, heart disease and Crohn’s) by looking in a different dietary direction, and hopes that by applying her more unorthodox style of nutritional education, she will have the same level of success helping people to overcome osteoporosis as well.
This year’s IOF (International Osteoporosis Foundation) World Osteoporosis Day Report highlights the role that nutrition plays in the development and maintenance of a healthy skeleton.
OsteoHealth will be offering bone scanning clinics at gyms, health stores, pharmacies, doctor’s offices and businesses, as well as at Mrs King’s current office at Seeking Health in Burnside.
You can find out more from www.osteohealth.co.nz.