Waikato sore throat clinics can prevent rheumatic fever
Waikato DHB is working with its communities to provide free Sore Throat Management (STM) services across Waikato.
Waikato children and young adults with sore throats can now access free and quick drop-in clinics at medical centres and general practices across Waikato, as well as through school based health services/clinics at many lower decile secondary schools.
This service is available and free to all 4-19 year old Maori and Pacific children across the Waikato DHB district who are eligible and present with a sore throat.
This is part of a national campaign to prevent rheumatic fever in at-risk sections of the population. Rheumatic fever can develop from untreated sore throats, and is a very serious illness that can cause heart damage.
Read the full story here: