Duty-Free Tobacco Reduces This Weekend
Duty-Free Tobacco Reduces This Weekend
Customs Comptroller Carolyn Tremain says on Saturday 1 November, the duty-free limit for bringing tobacco into New Zealand will reduce from 200 to 50 cigarettes or 50 grams of tobacco products.
“From 1 November anyone exceeding the 50 cigarettes or 50 grams limit will have to declare it on their passenger arrival card and pay duty and GST on the excess or place it in a tobacco disposal bin,” says Ms Tremain.
“Travellers should be aware that if they do not declare their excess tobacco, it will be seized. They could also face prosecution if they’re found to be deliberately trying to evade duty.
From Saturday, there is also no duty free concession available for tobacco sent by mail or cargo, meaning anyone sent tobacco from overseas will have to pay duty and GST on the entire amount when it arrives, regardless of quantity.
“In the past, people receiving parcels from overseas may have qualified for a gift concession – but this concession no longer applies to tobacco and people should let their family and friends overseas know about the change.”
The drop in the duty-free limit aligns New Zealand with Australia’s duty-free tobacco allowance, and is another step towards reducing the harm caused by smoking.