Looking out for vulnerable children
Looking out for vulnerable children
Protecting and
keeping our children safe from harm is a key aim of the new
Vulnerable Children Act 2014. It is also the subject of the
first Issue of Policy Brief, a new publication that has been
developed and written by the Royal New Zealand College of
General Practitioners(RNZCGP) Policy Team.
“We felt that the Act was a great topic in which to begin our Policy Brief series, as the impact of this Act will be felt by GPs, and we wanted a platform in which the College could provide accurate and timely information around policy issues which directly affect general practice” says Jeanette McKeogh, Group Manager - Quality, Research and Policy The Act, which was passed in June of this year, introduced new requirements for children’s worker safety checking. This is based on the idea that consistent vetting and screening will better assess whether people will pose a risk to children and also aid in the prevention of known abusers from working with children.
Details are still being finalised around exactly what procedures and steps will be required to be followed, but what is known is that the new screening and vetting regime will be phased in, to allow those affected to work through the process with their staff.
The implications for health care providers and GPs in particular are discussed in the policy brief document, with an overview of how the process might operate and some practical implications around what this might mean for GPs and practice teams.
McKeogh sees that “going forward, we will use the Policy Brief publication to keep the sector informed on a range of key policy issues,affecting not only GPs but also the wider primary health care sector.'
The RNZCGP Policy Brief can be viewed here - www.rnzcgp.org.nz/policy-publications.