Tariana Turia's contributions to smokefree Aotearoa
Celebrating Minister Tariana Turia's contributions to a smokefree Aotearoa 2025
After a long career in NZ
politics, the Honourable Tariana Turia will be stepping down
from her parliamentary duties. Tariana has been a vocal
opponent of the tobacco industry and has become a powerful
driving force in supporting the aspiration of a smoke-free
Aotearoa-NZ to by 2025. Introducing higher excise taxes,
banning tobacco displays, promoting smoke-free cars and
introducing plain packaging has led to Tariana becoming a
recent recipient of the 2014 World Health Organisation (WHO)
‘World No Tobacco Day’ award.
To honour Tariana’s undying commitment to ‘Auahikore’ the tobacco control sector has organised a farewell to acknowledge not only her work within the sector, but to celebrate her commitment to Whānau Ora, her dedication to her people and her steadfast integrity maintained throughout her public life.
Zoe Martin-Hawke the Manager of Te Ara Hā Ora, part of Hapai Te Hauora Tapui charged with creating leadership around tobacco control believes ‘Tariana’s positive impact on Auahikore will be felt for many years after she leaves parliament. Her integral role in tobacco control will be sorely missed, however, it is now up to the rest of us to ensure we maintain Tariana’s high standards and achieve her vision.