BOP support on its way for women with endometriosis
BOP support on its way for women with endometriosis
Bay of Plenty women and teenage girls will benefit from a new endometriosis support group network to be established in the area. The inaugural Tauranga meeting will be held on Wednesday 8 July at the Heart Foundation offices, Unit 8, 22 Tawa Street, Mount Maunganui (under Mount Yoga) from 7pm.
The initiative is part of a support programme offered by Insight Endometriosis, a community organisation empowering women with endometriosis.
The evening will be begin with a presentation on “Endometriosis Essentials” followed by a discussion about forming local support groups.
Insight Endometriosis educator Annette Evans, said “We are delighted to respond to strong community need. A special invitation is extended to women of all ages including teen girls and their parents as well as health professionals.”
The new BOP Support Group Co-ordinator Julie Sargisson said “for people who have this condition, information and support can really make a difference in their day-to-day lives, so we hope to be able to provide that here in Tauranga”.
Endometriosis is a significant and common condition, which can dramatically impair quality of life.
The most common symptom of endometriosis is period pain, characterised by taking pain relief, bed rest and time off work or studies. Endometriosis is also a leading cause of fertility problems.
Annette said ‘Insight Endometriosis supports women to make informed decisions about treatment options and lifestyle changes, and ensures that women and their families aren’t left facing a significant health problem in isolation’.
Insight Endometriosis extends a warm thanks to the Heart Foundation for providing the venue.
For further information about
endometriosis, Insight Endometriosis and the new BOP support
group see: