DHB Nominations Open - West Coast
August 1, 2013
DHB Nominations Open
Nominations for this year's district health board elections are open till noon on Friday August 16.
DHB elections are conducted by independent electoral officers appointed by the District Health Boards (DHB) throughout New Zealand. The 2013 West Coast DHB’s Electoral Officer is Richard Simpson of Westland District Council. All electoral enquiries and requests for nomination packs for the 2013 WCDHB Elections should be directed to:
Richard Simpson
Officer – West Coast DHB
c/- Westland District
36 Weld Street
Phone: 03 756
Fax: 03 756 9046
Email: richard.simpson@westlanddc.govt.nz
The elections, carried out every three years, are done by postal vote, closing at 12 noon on Saturday, October 12.
The DHB elections are for seven positions, elected on an "at large" basis by enrolled residents of the West Coast DHB area (extending from Karamea to Haast), meaning that they represent the entire population.
Following the election, the Minister of Health Tony Ryall may appoint a further four members, making a total of 11 members.
The West Coast DHB is responsible to the Minister of Health for the overall performance and management of the DHB. The Board’s core responsibility is to set strategic direction and policy that is consistent with government objectives, improves health outcomes and ensures sustainable service provision. The Board also ensures compliance with legal and accountability requirements and maintains relationships with the Minister of Health, Parliament and the West Coast community.
While responsibility for overall performance rests with the Board, operational and management matters have been delegated to the Chief Executive, who is supported by an Executive Management Team.
DHB are the governing bodies responsible for overseeing the delivery of health and disability services in their districts. Each board has up to 11 members, up to six of whom, including the chair and deputy chair, are appointed by the Minister of Health. Other members are publically elected every three years at the time of the local government elections.
The Public Health and
Disability Act 2000 is quite clear about the role of the
• The DHB Board is required, under the Act, to
appoint a Chief Executive to take responsibility for
management matters
• Board members do not manage the
• The Board does not have a role in employment
decisions beyond the appointment of the Chief Executive and
by law cannot interfere in matters relating to individual
• Boards fees are set by the Minister of
Health and are publicly available on the Ministry of Health
Board meetings are open to the public, who are able to observe but not participate in meetings. The rules around when the public is able to attend DHB Board meetings are similar to those that apply to Local Government meetings. Although some parts of the meeting may need to be closed to the public, this occurs only for specific reasons.