Health hub for North Canterbury
March 2, 2012
Health hub for North Canterbury
Plans for a health hub in North Canterbury are underway, following discussions by the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) with key stakeholders.
Carolyn Gullery, CDHB General Manager Planning and Funding says the CDHB’s proposal for the planning of the health hub has been approved by Minister of Health Tony Ryall and initial meetings have already taken place with some of the many stakeholders, including North Canterbury’s community leaders, community health services, Rangiora Hospital staff and local general practitioners.
“With the growing population in North Canterbury it makes sense to have a local hub for a range of health services to support the existing services in Rangiora and North Canterbury,” Carolyn says.
Once the feedback from the meetings has been gathered, a full public consultation will be held.
“We are working within the timeframe as discussed with Minister of Health Hon Tony Ryall and plan to begin the consultation with the people of North Canterbury this month (March),” Carolyn says.
The Government has estimated the cost of the health hub could be around $7 million with a planned completion date of June 2013.
“We are really looking forward to introducing new services in North Canterbury.”