HEADLINE: Brain Researchers Are Washing Cars!
There Must Be A Better Way!
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SUB HEAD: 2011
Neurological Foundation Annual Appeal - This
From The Scoop
Sunday 3 July 2011
The Neurological Foundation’s annual appeal is on this week to raise funds for New Zealand brain research.
The advertising for this appeal features real neuroscientists washing cars – emphasising the message that there has to be an easier way to fund research – Kiwi neuroscientists are world-renowned for their research.
To-date, research carried out by New Zealand’s world-class neuroscientists, and funded by the Neurological Foundation, has provided extraordinary insight into brain disease and disorders. To make inroads into diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, epilepsy or stroke, our scientists need to continue research that can lead to the development of treatments and therapies – and even one day cures.
Every dollar donated during the Neurological Foundation’s appeal week helps to support brain research projects throughout the country; each year two grant rounds fund approximately 40 research projects into disorders covering the neurological spectrum.
Funding for research is limited and there is a wealth of neuroscience talent in New Zealand. Ask any neuroscientist what their biggest obstacle to their work is and they will say ‘funding’.
The economic climate, insufficient investment in neuroscience research and rising costs mean there is less research money to go around – but the need is no less urgent.
Without the ongoing support of individual New Zealanders the Foundation could not commit to progressing research to the high level that it does.
The Neurological Foundation needs Kiwis to donate so they can help New Zealand’s world-class neuroscientists to continue researching the brain and develop techniques to prevent, treat and one day cure brain diseases.
Every dollar you contribute helps to support New Zealand scientists to progress vital research.
As it stands today:
• There
are 1100 known neurological disorders.
• There are no
known cures.
• One in five New Zealanders will
experience a brain disorder or disease in their lifetime.
There are currently 55 research projects supported by the Neurological Foundation and we hope that through this appeal more great neuroscientists will be able to put down their sponges and hoses from the carwash and get back to their work in the laboratory.
If you would like to make a
donation please visit www.brain.org.nz
phone 0508