Plunket comments on Budget

Published: Thu 19 May 2011 03:13 PM
Media Release
19 May 2011
For immediate release
Plunket comments on Budget
New Zealand’s largest WellChild provider hopes the latest Budget will increase community support for families.
“Plunket works with communities to help make them stronger which we feel is critically important to the welfare of our country.”
“The health and wellbeing of our under five’s is an issue for all of society. It truly does take a village to raise a child,” says Plunket CEO Jenny Prince.
“A range of support services, such as Plunket, are available in communities throughout New Zealand and it is our hope that families will investigate the services available in their area and tap into them.
On 5 May the Government made a pre-Budget announcement of an additional $21.3 million over four years to support first time families with new babies.
“Evidence tells us that poor childhood outcomes are related to poor outcomes in adulthood and therefore investment in the early years is essential. This funding is targeted in the right places and will see a better return on government spending.
“We provide support for over 90 per cent of all newborn babies in New Zealand and have been advocating for many years for increased investment for the under fives. This additional funding for Well Child services provides for additional support to first time families during the first few months of life,” she says.
“There are a complex range of contributing factors to the state of our children’s health and wellbeing. We need to concentrate effort on ensuring that families have the support they need to raise New Zealand’s future generations. Focusing on giving our children the best start in life is vital in helping us create a better society.”

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