Asthma Foundation regarding yesterday's earthquake
Asthma Foundation regarding yesterday's earthquake
The Asthma Canterbury office in Cashel Street is damaged and will be closed until at least early next week.
The Asthma Foundation is advising people in Canterbury with asthma that it’s essential they don’t forget to take their preventer medication, especially with the emergency services being under so much pressure. Airborne dust and stress commonly trigger asthma attacks.
Our Medical Director Bob Hancox says that if you have run out of preventer or reliever medication you should call your medical centre and talk with a doctor or practice nurse about a prescription as soon as you can (although keeping phone calls to a minimum has been advised, this is a serious enough issue to call them about).
Some people may have lost their inhaler with the earthquake blocking off access to bedrooms in the house, for example.
Dealing with an asthma emergency or concerned about what to do if someone has an asthma attack? Asthma Emergency information is here.
We have the people of Canterbury in our thoughts and the Asthma Foundation would like to express its condolences to those families who have lost a loved one in this tragedy.