Celebrating Older People
Celebrating Older People
“The New
Zealand Council of Christian Social Services (NZCCSS)
celebrates the increase in the proportion of older people
within our communities” said Judy Hindrup, Convenor of the
NZCCSS Services to Older People Policy Group. “New
Zealanders are living longer than ever before and this has
resulted in more older people contributing to the richness
of our society”.
“New Zealand’s universal superannuation scheme means that most older people do not live in poverty. This support along with our tax funded health services has contributed to a healthier and longer lived elder population”, said Trevor McGlinchey, NZCCSS Executive Officer. “These supports for older people are extremely important and we must ensure that their value is not eroded over time”.
“We celebrate the lives of our elders and commend the current and previous governments for the policies that have led to the current and projected increase in the proportion of older people in New Zealand’s population. However, we must also focus on other vulnerable New Zealanders”, said McGlinchey “Too many of our children continue to live in poverty as consecutive governments have decided that children should not be the recipients of the same level of support that older people receive”.
“With the tax cuts that commence today an opportunity to increase the incomes of beneficiaries and low income workers has been passed over in order to give the better off New Zealanders a greater level of income”, said McGlinchey. “This means that the many children who live in these families will continue to suffer the impacts of inequality and decreased opportunity”.
“NZCCSS member agencies provide support for our older people. They know the ongoing and valuable contribution our elders make to their families, their communities and our New Zealand society” said Judy Hindrup. “This International Day of Older Persons provides us with the opportunity to recognise and honour this ongoing and valuable contribution from our older people”.