Baby’s sharing that drink with you
Baby’s sharing that drink with you
With today
being World Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day, Plunket
CEO Jenny Prince, urges all of New Zealand to take
“Recently there has been much debate about alcohol laws and adult or teen drinking but the child seems to have been forgotten,” Ms Prince says.
“Yet, alcohol is seriously harming our children, irreparably and for life, before they are even born.”
The message of FASD Awareness Day is that whether in the womb or breastfeeding, children get a share of everything their mother drinks. There is no safe limit – any alcohol can damage an unborn or breastfeeding child.
The effects of a mother drinking on children can range from slight to severe. Some of the risks are developmental delays such as a lower IQ, or birth defects, and children may suffer from behavioural or emotional difficulties.
Ms Prince says Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is a very serious issue, and everyone needs to support women in New Zealand to make the right choice for the sake of healthy children and communities.
A guide for health professionals, released today by the Ministry of Health, helps ensure women learn how they may be damaging their child if they drink while pregnant or breastfeeding and where to find help to avoid drinking. Plunket welcomes this resource and encourages its widespread use.