Board Reviews Cranford Hospice
Board Reviews Cranford Hospice
The Governance Board of Hawke’s Bay DHB, today, reviewed the scope of the investigation being carried out independently by Central Region Technical Advisory Services into patient care at Cranford Hospice.
Commissioner Sir John Anderson said the board agreed at today’s (February 16) board meeting that it was imperative that the audit team included independent palliative care experts.
The board and management agreed it would support and abide by the findings included in the report.
Once the investigation was complete the DHB would provide the report to the Health and Disability Commissioner, Ron Paterson.
Sir John said he wanted to stress that any valid concerns regarding clinical care, that involved a DHB funded organisation, would always be investigated, but the DHB would not respond to rumour and idle speculation that had no factual basis.
The board would not be commenting further until the investigation was complete.