Waikato DHB welcomes today's publication of New Zealand's serious and sentinel health events.
Health Waikato chief operating officer Jan Adams said the organisation actively encouraged reporting of any adverse event or any event that had the potential to cause harm.
"We've taken the approach that it's important to learn from the events that are known, and to fully review these so we can improve the provision of care to patients. It's important to take appropriate action to prevent recurrence of events," she said.
Waikato DHB had 60 serious and sentinel events, representing 0.06 per cent of total inpatient discharges. In the period July 1, 2008 to 30 June this year, more than 90,000 people received treatment at hospitals in Hamilton, Thames, Tokoroa, Te Kuiti and Taumarunui showing that while adverse events are of great concern, they are relatively rare.
Clinical management problems made up 39 per cent of reported events, falls 16 per cent and medication errors less than one per cent.
"We have skilled health professionals, managers and support staff and we will support them to continue to deliver safe and effective care to the people of Waikato," said Mrs Adams.
Of the 60 Waikato DHB events (http://www.moh.govt.nz/moh.nsf/indexcm/qic-sentinel-and-serious-events-report-0809) notified:
* 16 deaths including 12 in the mental health
service, two as inpatients.
* 17 - mental health
incidents (28 per cent)
* 10 - falls (16 per cent)
* 3 - wrong patient, site or procedure (5 per cent)
* 24 - clinical management (39 per cent)
* 1 -
medication error
* 20 - other (33 per cent) this
includes suicide in community, wrong body uplifted from
mortuary, patient injured by bedrail, etc etc
* Of the
20 'other' seven were suicide in the community events
Waikato DHB activity 2008/09 2007/08
discharges 86,616 83,184
Surgical operations 21,686
Outpatient attendances 181,156 154,080
attendances 78,275 77,640
Patient meals 685,664
Meals on wheels 35,915 30,644
We are a pilot
site or lead site for three national
* national incident management reporting
* optimising the patient journey programme in our
operating theatres
* hand hygiene
Learnings and improvements identified from previous reviews:
* launched
Patient Safety at Health Waikato - a continuous
* identified six patient safety priorities
for 2009
o reduce medication errors
o reduce patient
o ensure that clinical audit carried out in every
clinical unit
o set up the Health Waikato mortality
committee to reduce avoidable mortality
o improve hand
hygiene practices
o implement a safe patient care
* recruited seven quality co-ordinators
attached to each service area to strengthen quality
initiatives and reduce error rates
* levels of
observation policy renewed within Mental Health and
Addiction Services
* clinical handover process
* changes made to the opioid drug protocol and
subsequent staff education
* orientation includes
learnings for specific events with services
* clinical
audits undertaken regularly
* implementation of
assessment care planning documentation
* hourly nursing
* falls project launched
o set up a project
that investigated the cause and then what was required to
reduce the falls causing harm
o wards identified where
the falls were occurring, then altered the lay out, removing
the clutter
o identification of at risk patients made a
requirement of the nursing assessment
o education rolling
out across all areas about how to reduce falls, ward based
champions identified
o reduced sloping of floors in the
o trialing non slip socks
o building in ward
rounds (hourly)that focus on pain and
o purchased electric high low beds
o use of
sensor mats at the bedside
o using hip
o building in the requirement for mobile
equipment to have castor brakes
* internal and external
improvements made outside Henry Rongomau Bennett Centre,
including fencing, gating, removal of dense
* reviews around caseload allocation and
keyworker roles in the community
* renewed focus placed
on risk management training, a compulsory component of
mental health staff training and education, with continuing
audit and follow up to ensure staff attendance
* review
and improvement of Mental Health and Addictions Service
orientation programme.
* audit of time periods between
discharge from inpatient service and time seen by community
* review of discharge planning and ward
discharge/exit procedures
* increased focus on relapse
prevention planning (this was also a national
* development, implementation and education on
Wh*nau Ora assessment process
* audits on documentation
and review and revision of documentation
* policies and procedures reviewed, developed
and implemented to focus on reducing risk, these
o contact with family/whanau after an unexpected
death or suicide of a service user
o assessment and
management of consumers
o levels of observation
o providing safe services to clients with complex
presentations to the Mental Health and Addictions Service
All deaths and adverse outcomes are
* DHBs try to provide the best possible care
for all patients.
* DHBs are concerned when a patient
dies or is injured, and they investigate to see if something
occurred that highlights aspects of their systems and
processes that need to be improved.
* Patients themselves
are the first to say that they want to prevent adverse
events occurring in the future, and encourage and support
the concept of learning from mistakes.
* It's important
to remember that hundreds of thousands of people receive
care and treatment in our hospitals every year without
adverse incident.
* While adverse events are of great
concern they are relatively rare.
It's not always
possible to prevent adverse outcomes.
* Sometimes things
go wrong despite people's best efforts.
* International
studies have consistently found that 10 to 15 percent of
hospital admissions can be associated with an adverse event
but the vast majority of events reported are minor and do
not result in harm or permanent harm to patients.
DHBs are
constantly seeking ways to improve their
* DHBs review deaths and adverse outcomes to
find out what happened in each case and to identify areas
requiring improvement (people, processes and
* DHBs regard any preventable error as
unacceptable and seek to learn from it.
An increase in
reported adverse events does not necessarily mean an
increase in actual events.
* An increase is expected as a
result of the better reporting systems now in
* The number of reported adverse events is likely
to increase further as reporting continues to improve.
number of reported event per hospital is not an indicator of
that hospital's safety.
* A large number of incident
reports is also a sign of a high safety focus amongst
* Larger specialist hospitals will also have
bigger numbers because they see more patients and deal with
more complex cases.
* Reporting systems also vary from
hospital to hospital.
A health care event is an event or circumstance that could have led, or did lead, to unintended and/or unnecessary harm to a patient, and/or a complaint, loss or damage.
An adverse event is a health care event causing patient harm that is not related to the natural course of the patient's illness or underlying condition.
A serious adverse event requires significant additional treatment but is not life threatening and has not resulted in major loss of function.
A sentinel adverse event is life threatening, or has led to an unanticipated death or major loss of function.
Open disclosure is the open discussion of adverse events with the affected parties and the associated investigation and recommendations for improvement.
Preventable describes an event that could have been anticipated and prepared for, but that occurs because of an error or some other system failure.
Root cause analysis is a method used to investigate and analyse a serious or sentinel event to identify causes and contributing factors, and to recommend actions to prevent a recurrence.
Medication errors are a common category of adverse event.