Launch of Moativational Medicine in NZ
Press Release Monday 12 October 2009
For immediate release
International presenter launches Moativational Medicine™ in New Zealand.
Dr Richard Moat, creator
of Moativational Medicine™, an approach to health and
wellbeing that acknowledges and addresses the role stress
and our emotions play in the on-set and maintenance of
physical ailments, illness and dis-ease, launches his work
in Auckland at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Sunday, October the
Inspired by the work of the likes of Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Candace Pert and Bruce Lipton, the Moativational Medicine™ philosophy is grounded in the belief that physical symptoms are not random.
It contests they are the result of the body’s infinite intelligence - combined with the wisdom of the all-knowing unconscious mind - endeavouring to bring into our conscious awareness something – typically a belief or behaviour - that is in need of adjustment.
Moativational Medicine demonstrates how to accurately and simply interpret the hidden and specific meaning in all manner of physical symptoms.
This is an approach to health and healing created for everyone with an interest in taking more responsibility for their health, and being able to discover the cause of what ails them rather than just treat the symptoms.
Medical Doctors, health professionals and practitioners alike also use the Moativational Medicine™ model to increase their successes with patients and clients, as well as help create a preventative approach to their ongoing and future physical health.
Having spent the last 14 years in the field of integrated health and holistic healing, and a total of 26 in the peak performance and human potential arena, Richard has tested and refined his emotion-centred approach, confirming the findings of Harvard Medical School and The American Institute of Stress, namely, that as many as 85% of our physical ailments have an emotional or stress-related component to them. Richard’s experience suggests it is closer to 99%.
Richard and his work have been approved by Waitemata DHB, with GPs regularly referring their patients to his private practice on Auckland’s North Shore.
This entertaining 1-day seminar, full of insights, wisdom and demonstrations, will appeal to you if you are of the belief that illness and wellness are rooted in mental, emotional and spiritual – not just physical – foundations.
For all the details of the seminar, Richard’s work and how to book one of the remaining seats, log onto