CDHB Swine Flu Update – 22.6.09
CDHB Swine Flu Update – 22.6.09
Canterbury’s first Flu Centre, that was opened last Friday 19 June, has so far seen 157 people for medical assessment of their flu symptoms.
Most of these people had been given an appointment at the Centre after calling the Canterbury Flu Line 0800 37 30 37, that opened on Saturday.
According to Phil Schroeder, who leads the Canterbury Primary Pandemic Group, almost 400 people called the Flu Line over the weekend, with most being given advice over the phone rather than being booked for an appointment at the Centre.
“Most people with influenza will feel miserable for about a week but will be able to manage at home with rest, paracetamol (for a fever) and plenty of fluids. The Flu Centre is for people who are becoming significantly unwell and these are the people that we have seen in the last few days, “he said.
“Family, friends or neighbours are very important in providing support for sick people particularly if the person that is ill normally cares for others,” Dr Schroeder said.
Anyone who is worried about their flu symptoms or who has an ongoing medical condition, that puts them at risk of complications from influenza, should call the Canterbury Flu Line on 0800 37 30 37. An appointment will be then made at a Flu Centre if necessary.
Dr Schroeder said he would like to remind people not to visit a General Practice, pharmacy, hospital or other health provider if they have influenza.
“Doing this puts other people, including those who may have other illnesses, at risk of getting the flu. The 0800 number needs to be the first port of call in Canterbury."
“Obviously if it is an emergency and someone is seriously unwell, they should call 111."
For further information about influenza in Canterbury visit ENDS