CDHB Swine Flu Update
DATE: 5.5.09
CDHB Swine Flu Update
Detailed planning for possible pandemic influenza is continuing across the Canterbury health sector.
Canterbury District Health Board Chief Executive David Meates says he has been impressed by all those who have gone to exceptional lengths to ensure that plans are being brought up-to-date and that Canterbury’s health sector has been able to respond appropriately to the recent international outbreak of Influenza A (H1N1). There is now no-one left in quarantine in Canterbury. CDHB is however maintaining a presence at Christchurch International Airport and still advising people who are unwell and have returned from Mexico or North America in the last seven days to phone their GP or CDHB’s Community and Public Health division on 364 1777. Anyone requiring further information or who has other concerns should phone Healthline on 0800 611 116.
CDHB will shortly be starting a public education campaign in Canterbury on how to protect yourself and others from getting influenza this winter. “While Influenza A (H1N1) has so far had little impact on the community, the messages will be useful in helping to reduce the amount of seasonal influenza this winter,” Mr Meates said. “They are also important for people to know if Influenza A (H1N1) becomes a greater health issue.”
Getting your usual flu vaccination will protect you against seasonal influenza, but not swine flu. It’s still however important to have an influenza vaccination to stay as well as possible in the next few months, particularly if you are over 65 or have a chronic (long term) health condition.
If people who have not been in the US or Mexico have influenza-like symptoms then this is probably a seasonal influenza that should be treated in the normal manner with bed rest, fluids, paracetamol and self management unless symptoms are severe or prolonged. If people are concerned they should phone their GP or Healthline
Routine infection control advice for seasonal influenza is • Wash your hands well, especially after coughing/sneezing/blowing your nose: Wash hands for 20 seconds with warm water and soap. Dry hands well, preferably with paper towels • Blow your nose into a paper tissue, and put in a bin immediately. Wash your hands. • Clean surfaces in your home with household bleach (1 part bleach to 4 parts water), especially surfaces touched often such as door handles. • If you are feeling unwell, stay at home to prevent passing on bugs to other people. • Contact your GP if you have prolonged or severe symptoms For further information about protecting yourself and others from influenza see Canterbury District Health Board’s influenza website