Libz Welcome Private Radiotherapy Centre
Libz Welcome Private Radiotherapy Centre
Libertarianz Health Spokesman Richard McGrath is delighted to welcome the arrival of the MercyAscot Radiotherapy Centre in Auckland next week.
"This new treatment centre is proof that the private sector can respond to consumer demand in a more timely and appropriate manner then the government," the Masterton GP said.
"It is so nice after the recent spate of reports of public health system disasters to be able to reflect on some truly good news," he added.
"The nice thing about MercyAscot is that they didn't have to hold a gun to anyone's head to raise the necessary $19 million required to build the new treatment centre," Dr McGrath pointed out.
"Whereas any time the minister running the public health circus - Commissar Cunliffe - wants to build a new die-while-you-wait hospital, he gets his henchmen in the IRD to coerce money out of hard-working, law-abiding New Zealanders."
The Libertarianz Party believe that providing rationed health care and death-row-style hospital waiting lists is not a core function of government, and would sell off these hospitals and privatise health care completely over a five year transitional period.
"Everyone could have access to facilities such as AscotMercy's new centre, instead of being sent, eventually, across the ditch for treatment," added Dr McGrath, who is also contesting the Wairarapa electorate seat.
"It's enough to make you vote Libertarianz!"