Review of the Quality of Maternity Services
9 October 2008
Joint Media Statement from NZCOM and RANZCOG
Review of the Quality, Safety and Management
of Maternity Services in the Wellington area.
Both the College of Midwives (NZCOM) and the College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) agree that the Review's overall findings of safety and quality in the maternity services should be reassuring to the public.
The Colleges also agree that national leadership from the Ministry of Health is essential if the ongoing development and maintenance of a quality service is to continue.
"The NZCOM and RANZCOG have recently signed a memorandum of understanding between their respective organisations and are already committed to enhancing the relationship between obstetricians and midwives so that our combined workforce provides a seamless and responsive maternity service," say Ian Page, spokesperson for RANZCOG, and Karen Guilliland, spokesperson for NZCOM.
"We plan to discuss the Review's recommendations and provide a more detailed analysis and response when our respective Committees have had a chance to read and consider the extensive document,” they said.
"The release of the Government's Maternity Action Plan is also timely and we look forward to working together to enhance and refine this over the next months," they say.