"Come on Tony; give the new guy a break"

Published: Tue 6 Nov 2007 05:09 PM
Media Statement For Immediate Release, Tuesday 6 november 2007
"Come on Tony; give the new guy a break"
"National's health spokesperson Tony Ryall should given new Health Minister David Cunliffe a break," said Mr Ian Powell, Executive Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists, today. Mr Powell was responding to Mr Ryall's criticism of Mr Cunliffe's wish to first meet and greet people in the health sector.
"Meeting and greeting is a good starting point. In particular, senior doctors and other health professionals have unique experiences and expertise that any sensible new health minister needs to understand and come to grips with. They are a powerful resource that must be tapped."
"Mr Cunliffe only became health minister yesterday. God allegedly took seven days to create the world. I'm sure we can allow a mere mortal a little more time to turn around the health system."
"Don't worry Tony. If Mr Cunliffe meets and greets for too long, we'll let him know," concluded Mr Powell.

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