Congratulate the collector
13 October 2006
Congratulate the collector
Collecting for charity appeals is hard work, and none more so than Plunket - one of the few charities to still operate an annual house-to-house appeal. So spare a thought for the Plunket collector, when he or she calls, as well as for the cause.
Congratulate the collector – collectively they are hoping to raise $1.2 million. Around 20,000 volunteers will be out knocking on one-and-a-quarter million front doors from Saturday, during Plunket’s appeal week (14 - 20 October).
As well as keeping fit while trudging the streets, often pushing a buggy, the collector has probably made a number of “nobody at home”and “I have no spare change” calls before knocking on your front door.
For those not at home when the collector calls, envelopes can be posted to Plunket or put in collection buckets at local retailers. Foodtown and Woolworths supermarkets will also take donations at the check-out.
New technologies have made it easier to give. Instant $20 donations can be made by calling 0900 55520. By txting “plunket” to 5500, an instant $3 donation can be made. By visiting Plunket’s website donations can be made online.
All money collected in a community is used for Plunket programmes and services in that community to ensure local children have a healthy and safe start in life.