Attitude Dr To Turn Lemons To Lemonade At Starship
Date April 27, 2005
Attitude Doctor to turn lemons to lemonade at Starship spinal fundraiser
Tom Mulholland, 'The Attitude Doctor' and author of Healthy Thinking - How to Turn Life's Lemons into Lemonade, will be the guest speaker at a June luncheon to raise funds for Starship children's hospital spinal equipment.
Funds raised by the luncheon, to be held on June 1 at the SKYCITY Convention Centre from 11.45am to 2pm, will go towards a specialist operating table for spinal surgery for the Starship theatres.
New Zealander Tom Mulholland is a fulltime speaker whose unique ability to blend comedy, anecdote and message into presentations has placed him in high demand in New Zealand and internationally.
Tom is also a facilitator and mentor who spent 15 years as a medical doctor and even more years as an entrepreneur. While practising medicine he concluded the most powerful thing he ever did was change people's attitudes to being more positive. He shares his prescription for life in his best-selling book, 'Healthy Thinking - How to Turn Life's Lemons into Lemonade' which he has recently been promoting in London.
Tom performed the world's first online patient consultation, has launched seven successful companies, and won four Chamber of Commerce business awards. He is a former doctor to the Taranaki and Fijian rugby teams, and founded Taranaki's first accident and emergency clinic. This entertaining lunch about 'Eliminating Stress' provides a unique opportunity for business people and local residents to be inspired, learn how to turn their own lemons to lemonade, enhance personal and corporate success and help raise funds to save young lives.
Proceeds from the lunch will go towards a specialised operating table, known as the Jackson Table. It is designed for orthopaedic procedures and enables specialised positioning while protecting the patient. The benefits include:
- A reduction in surgical and
anaesthetic time for the young patient due to x-ray imaging
being performed in theatre
- Reduced risk of the child
developing pressure areas on the chest and hips
- Reduced
risk of the child developing nerve palsy of the lower limbs.
The table will be used by more than 100 children a year requiring spinal surgery.
Friends of Starship North Shore convenor Liz Darlow says: "Children with spinal problems deserve the very best care available and it's our job to ensure they get it. This lunch with the irrepressible and entertaining Tom Mulholland is a great way for individuals and organisations to provide their support for the children at Starship, have fun and learn a thing or two about life in the process."
Friends of Starship, established alongside the Starship Foundation in 1991, provides additional equipment and support to staff, patients and their families as an extra to state funding. This is only possible through the generosity of the community and business sectors.
Tickets for the luncheon, which are $75 each of $750 for a table of 10, are available by phoning Maureen May on 09 478 2675, emailing or by posting cheques to Friends of Starship North Shore, P.O. Box 33 228, Takapuna.