Maternity unit tops for friendly professional care
14 October 2004
CHB maternity unit tops for friendly professional care
Feedback from women who have either had their babies or received postnatal care at the Central Hawke’s Bay (CHB) health centre is very positive, say midwives who work at the centre.
“Women tell us they enjoy the friendly supportive environment and benefit from the consistency of advice and information for new mums and their families,” says CHB Health Centre manager, Bill Littley.
The CHB Health Centre maternity facility is a three-bed unit set up to provide antenatal, postnatal and birth care. Women who are expected to have a ‘low risk’ birth can, with the support of their midwife, choose to give birth at the CHB health centre.
“Any woman who has a good antenatal history and is likely to have a low-risk birth is able to have her baby in Waipukurau. (Women who are required to have their baby at Hawke’s Bay Hospital include those aged under 16, or over 40. Anyone who has had more than five or six babies; a previous Caesarean section, any history of medical, mental or surgical problems; or is expecting twins - or other multiple birth.)
“If a woman thinks she may be pregnant, there are a number of people she can talk to about getting a Lead Maternity Carer (LMC). A GP or practice nurse, or contact any of the midwives at the CHB Health Centre, who will be able to provide an up to date list of LMCs who provide services in CHB.
Currently women have the choice of a DHB Birthcare midwife, an independent Lead Maternity Carer or a midwife from Choices, a maternity services provider based in CHB.
Facilities in CHB’s three-bed unit include one room with a deep plunge pool for pain-relief during labour and birth. Pain relief options include gas, medication, with some women and their midwives opting for herbal and homeopathic remedies.
“The facility is staffed by experienced midwives, and one of the things patients really appreciate is the flexibility we can provide, in terms of tailoring our services to fit in with women and their families.
“You get consistency of advice – with four midwives all carrying out post-natal visits. Most of these will take place in your home…wherever you live. CHB women receive a minimum of five visits, up to a maximum of 12. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a new mum to pop in for her check up when she’s next in town – we’ll fit in around the family’s needs.
“We’re also happy to negotiate visiting times for families, and we’re pretty flexible when it comes to discharge times…we really do understand that ‘one rule doesn’t suit all’ and that’s one of the beauties of a smaller centre,” Bill Littley said.
Antenatal clinics run by midwives are currently held twice a week in the CHB Health Centre.
For more information about the CHB maternity unit, please phone (06) 858 9090 ext. 5566