South Island Nurses and Midwives MECA Ratified
South Island Nurses and Midwives MECA Ratified
“The Multi Employer Collective Agreement covering 3,000 nurses, midwives and health assistants across the South Island has been ratified,” said New Zealand Nurses Organisation advocate Glenda Alexander today.
“But a narrow ‘yes’ vote puts DHB’s and the government on notice for next year.”
Glenda Alexander said that the proposal was narrowly ratified by 18 meetings of NZNO members covered by the South Island Nurses and Midwives Collective Agreement.
“This result clearly shows that our members are serious about pursuing our Fair Pay campaign to achieve fair pay for nurses and midwives”, said Glenda Alexander.
“For many members the ‘no’ vote was due to the benefits of the new collective agreement not occurring early enough and the fact that the pay gap with the North Island is still not closed for all members,” she said.
“We did outstandingly achieve our goal to bring to public attention the issue of nurses’ pay and that we will continue this battle until we have achieved Fair Pay for all nurses, midwives and health care assistants.”
Glenda Alexander said the close vote sent a clear message to the DHB’s and government that they will need to ensure that proper planning on their part goes into next year’s budget.
“It is really important that this outcome is seen as being the completion of yet another stage towards all New Zealand nurses being paid what they are worth,” she said.
“The campaign is just